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Each language has its own accents, so there is no such thing as a 1-1 equivalent of a Southern Accent (in English) with a French accent that has the same "twang" or inspires the same feelings of being "down-home", "rural", and "less high-brow". Probably the French accent that would sound like this most strongly like a Southern Accent to a French speaker would be Cajun French.

Watch the video below to see a native Cajun French speaker.

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Q: Is there some version of an American southern accent but in French?
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What southern state is Jesse Anderson from Yu-Gi-Oh gx from?

in the English version,Jesse has a southern-American accent,but they only say that he is from North the Japanese version,it is said that Jesse is Scandinavian,which is known to be yeah.i hope that helped at least a little.

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How did the American accent evolve?

The "American Accent" is more properly the "American Dialect". An accent is the intonation given by foreign speakers of a language. A French accent refers to English spoken by a native French speaker. An American accent would be the pronunciation of another language spoken by an American person (An example in French: bone- joor rather thanbɔ̃.ʒuʁ).A dialect is the internal difference of a language spoken by users of the language which exhibit local or regional changes (e.g. A Cockney dialect rather than a Cockney accent). Any dialect evolves through generations of people living together and not mingling much with people from other regions.There is no national American "accent" or "dialect". The distinctiveness of the southern drawl, Texan, midwestern or Boston manner of speaking are all regional dialects. Interestingly some American dialects have evolved from old forms of English such as the Elizabethan pronunciations and vocabulary still used in the English spoken in the Ozarks.

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because, if they talk with a southern north American accent and act as such, they just are

How do you say 'accent' in french?

an accent is 'un accent' in French

Is the Australian version of the Simpsons in an Australian accent?

No. All characters in television shows which come from the USA retain their American accent. (Except when, for the purposes of the show, an American actor is cast as an Australian, and the resulting accent is nothing like any accent heard on Earth.)

What accent does Bill Clinton have?

Bill Clinton has a Southern accent, specifically a regional Arkansas accent.

Is American English a dialect or language?

Language-dialect would be nuances like a southern accent.

What accent might an American pretend to have in order sound sexier?

- British - Spanish - French - Italian - Austrailian

Did Harriet Tubman have a accent?

She had a southern accent.