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Yes, Medusa was a gorgon that had snakes for hair. Her expression was so scary it turned whoever looked at it to stone.

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Q: Is there such thing as Medusa?
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What does Medusa carry with her?

the only thing she carrys is snakes in her hair and her uglyness

Does Medusa have a symbol?

A symbol is something which stand for a god or a person or similar. It is not the same thing as a well-known trait of somebody. Medusa was known to have snakes for hair. That does not make snakes symbols for Medusa. In this sense she does not have a symbol.

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i do not believe there is such a thing. what does it do? do you mean medusa's blood?

What is the code for Hermes' wings howrse?

i do not believe there is such a thing. what does it do? do you mean medusa's blood?

How does Medusa play in the mythology?

Medusa was a young and beatiful woman; who was one of three sisters called the "Gorgons". Medusa had a thing for Poseidon, god of the sea, and so they had a sexual affair in Athena's temple: a highly disrespectful thing to do. In result, Athena turned Medusa into a terrible, green monster with hypnotizing powers with her eyes and the ability to turn anyone into stone with her eyes and hair: a headful of hissing and poisonous snakes. The other Gorgons have been taking revenge and Medusa has too, and Athena is still really pissed off with Poseidon.

How did Medusa become Medusa?

Poseidon was Medusa's boyfriend and they were hanging out in Athena's temple. Then Athena turned Medusa into Medusa.

Why didn't Medusa have an effect of the jin in Clash of the Titans?

Because the jin is not a living thing that has flesh. Medusa only turn fleshy being to stone. OR that the jin is immortal and feel no pain.

How did medusa kids react to medusa's death?

Medusa had no children.

Are there a such thing as a China Anne McClain Medusa costume?

yes. the one from the TV show ant farm.

What are Medusa's Powers?

Medusa is a type of Gorgon and when Poseidon came for her she ran to athena's temple for support. The goddess felt nothing but disgust so she cursed her with having the power to turn living thing to stone.

Was Rhea Medusa?

No, Rhea was not Medusa. Rhea was a Titan. Medusa was a Gorgon.

What role did Medusa play in the gods?

a horrible creature that could turn thing to stone i think she is called a gorgon