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Q: Is thermite legal in Canada
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Related questions

What is thermite welding?

Thermite welding is all about using thermite for welding steel or iron. Thermite is actually a mixture of iron oxide and powdered aluminum.

What is copper thermite?

Copper thermite is a type of thermite where instead of the iron oxide, copper oxide is used instead. The reaction produces pure copper metal, but this thermite gets a little more splattery than the iron thermite.

What is thermite manufactured from?

Thermite is manufactured from pure metals and avoiding the use of carbon in the process of it. Thermite was originally discovered by a German chemist named Hans Goldschmidt.

Why is thermite reaction used in industry?

Thermite reaction is used in industry for welding steel together in-place

Is thermite illegal?

Thermite is not illegal in (most) countries, as long as you keep yourself and everyone else safe from it.

In email a legal document in Canada?

Is email a legal document in Canada.

Where is thermite found?

Thermite is a mixture of 1 part aluminum oxide for every 3 parts iron oxide

What are the products of thermite?

For the classical iron oxide and aluminum thermite, the products of the reaction are aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and iron (Fe). However, there are many kinds of thermite, but they always produce the pure metal from the oxide.

Is it legal to own a pig in Canada?

only if its legal to eat bacon in canada

Does thermite work in space?

Thermite has its own oxygen source so it can burn without an outer source of oxygen, including underwater and in the vacuum of space. However, I do doubt that thermite can burn in space, since space is quite cold. It would just depend in how far away from the Sun you are when you light the thermite.

Is it legal to own a vulcan airsoft in Canada?

Yes, airsoft guns are legal in Canada.

Is Thermite Illegal in Montana?

It is ilegal