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When a proper noun ends in 's,' it is proper most times to place the apostrophe after the 's' and not add another.

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Q: Is this correct to say Jesus' name or Jesus's name?
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"Outside of Jesus" is the correct way to say it.For example: There is no hope for fallen mankind Outside of Jesus."Outside from Jesus" does not work."Apart from Jesus" would be correct as well.For example: Apart from Jesus, there is no hope for mankind.

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no where, its to pray in the name of Jesus

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The best is "were" . **************************************************** The best depends entirely on the context in which it is used. Specifically in relation to the time it refers to. In the 'present' context 'were' is correct eg: If Jesus were here, (at this point in time ) he may do or say this. In the 'past' context 'was' is correct eg: If Jesus was here, (at some point in the past) then perhaps this or that may have happened.

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Yes. Lord Jesus Christ.

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It is correct when addressing an animal with that name.

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In the U.S., we say "What is your name?"

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The correct way to say that would be my last name is spelled.

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Some people say his Hebrew birth name was Yeshua and others say it was Yehoshua, but it would be translated to the English language name of Joshua for both. Jesus was the Aramaic language translation of his name.

How do you say baby Jesus in french?

"Bébé Jésus" Note that Jesus's name has an accent aigu in French.

How do you say Jesus in Romanian?

Jesus. It's exactly the same as saying your own name in a different language.