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Total knee replacement is a type of total joint arthroplasty. Total joint arthroplasty could refer to any joint replacement.

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Q: Is total knee arthroplasty and knee replacement the same?
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Will Medicare pay for a second knee replacement?

Will Medicare pay for a second knee replacement on the same knee?

Can you work out with weights after total knee replacement?

Heavy work can definitely be done after knee replacement surgery provided you have rehabilitate your new knee well. What we have to understand is when we say heavy work following your knee replacement, we have to avoid high impact activities that puts stress on our knees like jumping and kicking and other activities. At the same time heavy activities for other parts of the body should not be a problem.

What is Bilateral knee replacement?

"Bilateral" means both the knees are concerned. "replacement" probably means a prothesis will be put instead of the bone and flesh knee. To elaborate on above answer bilateral knee replacement is a surgical procedure where in knee replacement surgeon replaces both arthritic knees of patients in a same hospitalization period.

Does medicare cover bilateral knee on the same day?

yes, they will cover a bilateral knee replacement if the doctor's documentation shows that both knees need replacement.

Can knee replacement get a cortisone shot?

I have often heard about cortisone injections as an alternative to knee replacement but it is un heard of to have injection after the knee replacement. What is the logic behind it? Usually injections are taken to subside the pain that arise from contact of arthritic articular surfaces of knee bones. But when knee replacement is already done I do not see a reason for cortisone injection. At the same time if there is sudden severe pain in your knee after replacement surgery doctor might give you a shot of knee injection. Another possibility is if you have partial knee replacement and non operated compartment of your knee joint troubling you. Hope it helps.

Why take an antibiotic for the dentist when you've had a knee replacement?

I'm slightly confused as to if the antibiotic was prescribed by your dentist or if the antibiotic is used in dentistry and was prescribed as a result of a knee replacement. Assuming the latter is the case, antibiotics are not location specific, they're bacteria specific. If you have an infection in your mouth, Penicillin will help to clear it up. That same Penicillin will help to prevent an infection in the knee after surgery.

Why are the With Replacement and Without Replacement probabilities different?

Because with replacement, the total number of possible outcomes - the denominator of the probability ratio - remains the same. Without replacement the number of possible outcomes becomes smaller.

How long does it take to recover from knee replacement surgery?

the majority of people are around 80% recovered by six weeks after the operation and will continue to improve over the following three to six months. The time taken in recovery is also affected by the state of health and the condition of the patient.

Can someone play contact sports after a total hip replacement?

A person needs to keep in mind that after any joint replacement the joint is no longer capable of withstanding the same punishment as the original joint.

What is Isomorphous substitution?

It is a replacement of elements or compounds in a mineral such that no alteration takes place in the form of crystal of that mineral. Replacement atoms or ions must have approximately the same size as those replaced. Replacement ions must have the same total ionic charge as those replaced. Example: Peridot (Mg,Fe)2SiO4

If you have severe arthritis in the left knee, is it better to look for stem cell therapy, or look for an artificial knee?

When considering treatment options for severe arthritis in the left knee, both stem cell therapy and artificial knee replacement are potential options. The choice between the two depends on several factors, including the individual's overall health, the severity of arthritis, and personal preferences. Stem cell therapy in arthritis knee aims to utilize the regenerative properties of stem cells to promote tissue repair and reduce inflammation in the affected joint. While research in this area is ongoing, some studies have shown promising results in terms of pain reduction and functional improvement. However, it's important to note that stem cell therapy for knee arthritis is still considered an emerging treatment, and more research is needed to establish its long-term efficacy. On the other hand, artificial knee replacement (knee arthroplasty) involves surgically replacing the damaged knee joint with a prosthetic implant. Knee replacement surgery has been performed for many years and has a well-established track record in terms of pain relief and functional restoration for individuals with severe arthritis. It is a highly effective treatment option for advanced cases where conservative measures have been exhausted. Ultimately, the decision between stem cell therapy and knee replacement should be made in consultation with a qualified medical specialist like Dr. B.S. Rajput who has more than 35+ years of experience in the same and successfully operated 4000+ stem cell transplant till date. They can evaluate the individual's specific condition, medical history, and preferences to determine the most appropriate treatment approach. It's also important to note that each case is unique, and what may work for one person may not be the best option for another. Therefore, it is crucial to have a comprehensive evaluation and discussion with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized recommendations based on the individual's specific circumstances.

Why Does Same Bradford wear a knee brace?

because he just had a recent knee injury