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if you want to say sweets then yup :)x

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Q: Is un bonbon correct in the french language?
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What is the french word for candy?

The french word candy Singular - Le bonbon/ Un bonbon/ Du bonbon Plural - Les bonbons/ Des bonbons Example J'aime manger des bonbons. I love/like to it candies.

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Avez-elle goût de soda ou du jus d'orange ?

How do you Say Candy Cane in French?

une canne en bonbon, une canne de Noël, ou encore un sucre d'orge.

Is the French word for 'candy cane' masculine?

une canne en bonbon, une canne de Noël, ou encore un sucre d'orge.

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a tree is translated 'un arbre' (masc.) in French.

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a boar is called "un sanglier" in French

In which language is a clock called un horloge?

In French and Dutch.

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'un langage international'

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"un nouveau look, une nouvelle allure, un nouvel air, un nouvel aspect" French tend to use "un nouveau look"

How do you say warrior in French language?

"un guerrier / une guerrière" is the translation of warrior in French