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Shorter or longer than what ?

The wavelength of visible light is shorter than that of radio and heat, and longer

than the wavelength of X-ray and gamma radiation.

And the wavelength of green light is shorter than red light but longer than blue light.

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Q: Is visible light a shorter or longer wavelength energy in this spectrum?
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The shorter the wavelength of visible light means what?

The shorter the wavelength of visible light, the higher the frequency and the greater the energy of the photons.

In the electromagnetic spectrum is determined by its wavelength?

In the visible spectrum the color is determined by its' wavelength. The energy of the quantum package is determined by the wavelength. The shorter the wavelength the more power per package.

Why red is the most visible color?

The color red is the longest wavelength in the visible light spectrum because the less energy a wave carries the longer the wavelength and red carries the least energy of all the colors in the visible spectrum

Which color of light in the visible spectrum has the highest energy?

Photons with higher energy correspond to electromagnetic radiation with higher frequency/shorter wavelength. In the visible band, the color with the highest frequency is the last one you can see on the VIOLET end of the spectrum.

In the visible spectrum which color of light has the most energy?

Violet (purple) is the highest energy color in the visible spectrum. It has a wavelength of about 400nm (4x10-8m), the lowest of all visible light.

What has more energy heat or light And why?

It depends on the wavelength of light and the amount of heat. If you are comparing light from the visible part of the spectrum with infra red (i.e. heat), then visible light has more energy due to its slightly shorter wavelength. Energy is related to wavelength by the equation E=hc/λ where h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light in a vacuum and λ is wavelength.

Is it true ultraviolet light had longer wavelength than visible light?

No, UV light has more energy than visible light and therefore has a shorter wavelength

What is the longest wavelength and least energy in the visible spectrum?

The longest wavelength in the visible light spectrum is at the red end (at about 750nm) the lowest is violet (450nm). For a given intensity source the energy that can be generated is equal.The answer you are looking for is 720-680nm

How do wavelengths of visible lights relate to energy?

The shorter the wavelength (blue rather than red), the higher the energy.

Is red is the longest wavelength of light visible to the human eye?

The red end of the spectrum. Red has lower frequency, lower energy and longer wavelength than the blue end of the spectrum.

Compare and contrast ultraviolet light waves and visable light?

Wavelength of violet is the shortest and that for red is the longest in the visible region. So for ultra violet the wavelength is to be less still and that for infra red it has to be larger than red So wavelength increases as we move through UV, visible and IR.

How does the energy associated with waves change wavelength changes?

a shorter wavelength means lower energy. A shorter wavelength means high energy