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Not usually but you could ask your surgeon.

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Q: Can appendix move after a hysterectomy?
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Do you get your appendix out with a partial hysterectomy?

I just had a partial hysterectomy with my appendix taken out as well...

How many people have their appendix removed during a hysterectomy?

It is not a normal procedure to remove the appendix during a hysterectomy. If the surgeon finds some reason to do so and feels at the time of the surgery he will remove it to prevent further surgery

Can the appendix move inside the body?

no okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk dg

Could it just be a sore muscle instead of my appendix?

See a doctor, appendix problems start in the middle of your tummy and move to the right hand side. It can be fatal if it bursts. Muscle pain will subside, appendix pain will not.

Can hysterectomy be don under epidural?

Yes it can but only for a vaginal hysterectomy. Most surgeons prefer full anaesthesia as it avoids the patient being awake and trying to move when he has sharp instruments in his hands,

Where would pain appear if the appendix was receiving painful stimuli?

Pain in the appendix is felt around the umbilicus (belly button). If the appendix is inflamed (as it is when infected a.k.a. appendicitis) it begins to irritate the abdominal lining around it and the pain will move into the lower right part of the abdomen.

What is an example of a vestigial in a human?

The appendix in the digestive system.*Tail Bones (coccyx) *Appendix *Little Toe *Wisdom Teeth *Muscles that move ears *Muscles that make hair stand up *Tonsils

What is a tah procedure in hysterectomy?

Total Abdominal Hysterectomy

Pregnant after hysterectomy?

You cannot get pregnant after a complete hysterectomy.

What is an example of a vestigial structure in humans?

The appendix in the digestive system.*Tail Bones (coccyx) *Appendix *Little Toe *Wisdom Teeth *Muscles that move ears *Muscles that make hair stand up *Tonsils

What is a c-hysterectomy?

A hysterectomy that is done at the time of a c-section.

What is Total Hysterectomy NEC?

Total hysterectomy not elsewhere classified.