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Both groups gained influence when their members were persecuted by imperial powers.

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Answer this question… Both ideologies encouraged their members to demand complete control over Palestine.

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Both ideologies motivated their members to work toward creating new independent states.

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Q: How were Jewish nationalists similar to Arab nationalists during the 20th century?
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The book that is read on the Jewish holiday of Purim is called Megillat Esther (the Book of Esther) which tells the story of Jewish salvation during the time of King Achashverosh (Ahasuerus), ruler of the Persian-Median Empire approximately during the 4th century BCE.

Why did the first Kahals form in the Jewish Communities?

The first Kahals formed in the Jewish communities during the 15th century to collect taxes. Kahals have been formed in Jewish communities since Biblical times, but in modern times they started appearing in the 15th century as a way to collect taxes. The non-Jewish authorities commanded the Jews to collect the required taxes within their own communities and hand it over to the local governments in a lump sum.

What was the primary motivation for campaigns promoting human rights during the 20th century?

To prevent atrocities like those experienced by Jewish people in Nazi Germany

Was there a Jewish ruler during the Holocaust?

There was no Jewish state and no 'Jewish ruler'.

Who was affected during World War 2 and the Holocaust?

during world war 2 most major countries were effected. during the holocaust people of Jewish heritage were affected. also prisoners of war were taken and given similar treatment to those of whom were Jewish or of Jewish heritage.