

Jogging put's on weight or lose weight?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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I'm assuming this question is asking if jogging helps weight loss or causes weight gain...

Jogging will aide weight loss by the simple fact that you burn calories while running. It is a fantastic way to begin a workout regimen, any activity is good activity However, it will only have a drastic affect on fat loss if you are currently inactive.

In the long run, jogging is not the most effective way to lose fat and keep it off. This is because

1.) Once your body gets used to jogging at a steady pace, your weight loss will plateau. Once this happens (which for an average person will only be a couple of weeks) you will have to drastically increase speed and/or distance. After a year of jogging, for instance, you would need to be practically sprinting several miles to maintain your weight.

2.) Jogging/Running causes your body to use your muscles as fuel sources, this in turn significantly lowers your metabolism over time. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn just by living.

Therefore, if you are serious about wanting to lose weight, it would be in your best interest to strength train at least 3 days a week with a day in between each session. On those days in between cardio will speed the fat loss process. The best kind of cardio is interval training which constantly changes the speed and intensity of the workout. This can be running with sprints mixed in, or you could do something else such as kick boxing, spinning, etc.

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The best way to lose weight is regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet. Activities such as jogging and swimming, in addition to eating plenty of fruits and vegetables will help with weight control.


Healthy eating, jogging, and resisting carbs for awhile.

Is walking as healthy as jogging?

Walking is still healthy however jogging will help you lose weight faster as well as increase your fitness to a greater extent in the long run. This is due to the fact that you are burning more calories when jogging then walking.