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No, they do not. Large nerve fibers have a larger diameter than small nerve fibers as the name suggests, but they are also extremely well insulated with Myelin Sheath that makes them transmit electrical signals very fast. "A" fibers represent this type of large nerve fibers.

Small nerve fibers are smaller in diameter and there are two types, "B" & "C". B has less insulation than A, so it transmits less faster. C however, is not insulated at all and even though it has about the same diameter as B, it transmits electrical signals much more slowly.

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Nerve impulses travel fastest in myelinated axons.

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They conduct them faster, unless the small fibre is myelinated.

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Q: Large diameter nerve fibers conduct impulses much faster than small diameter fibers?
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Other way, dude. Nerve fibers are just like electric wires. Just think of a Myelinated fiber as a wire with rubber on the outside, and unmyelinated with ought it. Electricity runs more efficiently through a wire that has rubber on it, and so do myelenated fibers, but with an added bonus, they are faster than their unmyelenated counterparts hope it helped!

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