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The average last frost date is between April 10th and April 20th depending on where you are in Missouri. But, those are averages. Sometimes the last frost will be earlier and sometimes it can frost as late as early May. The average last frost date is between April 10th and April 20th depending on where you are in Missouri. But, those are averages. Sometimes the last frost will be earlier and sometimes it can frost as late as early May. The average last frost date is between April 10th and April 20th depending on where you are in Missouri. But, those are averages. Sometimes the last frost will be earlier and sometimes it can frost as late as early May.

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Q: Last frost date for Missouri for flowers?
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What is the frost line date for Missouri?

April 15 (average)

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Yes, you can plant annuals before the last expected frost date if you cover them when frost is a threat.

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After the last Spring frost transplants can be placed in the garden. You will have to find out your USDA planting zone and then you can see when the average last frost date in your area is.

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They are planted in Spring after the last frost date.

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A late killing frost is a description of when a frost occurs during a time of year when the frost season should be over, but one last frost appeared. When normally spring would be coming, then suddenly the temperature drops, and freezes everything unexpectedly. The average last calendar date in spring where you might have a frost that would kill most plants.

On what date is the last frost in Ohio?

According to, the last frost date depends on where you are. Some areas vary greatly depending on their proximity to lakes or rivers.CitySpringFallAkron5/2110/2Athens5/319/19Cincinnati4/2910/13Cleveland5/1810/5Columbus5/910/3Dayton4/2710/16Lima5/199/24Sandusky4/2910/14Toledo5/169/29Youngstown5/249/29

What is the last expected frost date for zone 5?

March 30 - April 30 Refer to related link.

Does Ohio grow wheat?

I have grown small plots of wheat for personal consumption in WV. I live an hour east of Charleston now, but have grown wheat in Charleston when I lived there. I grew hard red spring and hard white spring wheat. You can also grow winter wheat. Spring wheat is sown 1 to 3 weeks after the last frost date. Winter wheat is sown 3 to 4 weeks before the first frost date. In central WV the first frost date is October 15th and the last frost date is May 10th.

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The growing season in Maryland averages 181 days. In 2014 the last frost date was April 22 and first frost is due around October 17.

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What is the average last frost date for zone 7?

The average frost date for zone 7 is approximately April 15th, with a variance of 15 days either way (~March 30 to April 30). Note that higher elevations may have an increased risk of frost late in the Spring despite the zone, and would fall on the later side of the average. There is no good way to guess the perfect date every year, but if you plant a garden and realize there may be frost, get your plastic and mulch ready.