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No, lend lease was to aid the allied powers

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The Lend-Lease program was used to aid the World War 2 allies.

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Q: Lend lease was a us program to aid the axis power?
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What were the provisions of the Lend-Lease Act of 1941?

In 1941, Congress approved $7 billion for ships,planes and other military to non-Axis countries, was called the Lend-Lease Act.

In 1941 7 billion in military supplies was to non Axis countries by?

the Lend-Lease Act.

What allowed the us to send aid Britain while staying neutral?

President Roosevelt developed the Lend Lease Act which he was able to get the Congress to approve. This Act allowed the USA to sell, lend and lease funds, military supplies, medical supplies and food to the Allied Forces. He got around the neutrality laws with this act because he justified it as a way to defend the USA against the Axis forces while remaining a neutral nation. Trust me it skated right along the edge of being unlawful.

How did the lend-lease act and the Atlantic charter change the U.S. involvement in world war 2?

The Lend-Lease Act, signed by Roosevelt in 1941, offered the allies access to the United States vast supply of munitions and war vehicles. This was a large step away from the neutral stance that the US had taken in the 30s with the Neutrality Acts. With the Lend-Lease Act, the United States gained the ability to openly supply any war resource to the Allies, showing that the United States had taken a strong position with the Allies. The Atlantic Charter, signed later that year, was a joint agreement between Roosevelt and Churchill on their plans for the post-war world. This was significant because it showed the world that the United States wanted a hand in defining the post-war world and would no longer sit on sidelines and be non-interventionists. Following the Lend-Lease Act and the Atlantic Charter, the United States took a stronger stance against the Axis and became more involved.

What is the importance of the lend-lease act of 1941?

There are two ways of looking at this. First, what was its importance to the US and second, what was its importance to the British and ultimately, to Germany. To the British it was essential and most welcome if they were to continue to oppose the expansionist activities of the Axis on behalf of the world. The cost was gigantic and it was the US that made the commercial gain. To the US went certain British possessions and all the gold deposits in the Commonwealth. This commercial palliative ensured the support of various anti-British factions in the US while simultaneously flagging the end of the British Empire for the future. It would be interesting to know the final outcome of lend-lease transfers via Archangel into Russia. In effect this aid kept the pressure off the Western allies and probably had a lot more effect than the Russians were ever prepared to admit. It took until 2006 for the British to repay their loans. 65 years.

Related questions

What was perceived as being equivalent to declaring economic war against the axis power?

the Lend-Lease Act

What were the provisions of the Lend-Lease Act of 1941?

In 1941, Congress approved $7 billion for ships,planes and other military to non-Axis countries, was called the Lend-Lease Act.

In 1941 7 billion in military supplies was to non Axis countries by?

the Lend-Lease Act.

Who received the lend-lease?

Lend-Lease ActA law, passed in 1941, that allowed the United States to ship arms and other supplies, without immediate payment, to nations flighting the Axis powers.

What was the perceived as being equivalent the declaring economic war against the Axis Powers?

the Lend-Lease Act

Was perceived as being equivalent to declaring economic war against the Axis Powers?

the Lend-Lease Act

What was perceived as being equivalent to declaring economic was against the axis powers?

In March 1941, Congress approved the Lend-Lease Act. It authorized Roosevelt to "sell, transfer title to, exchange, lease, lend, or otherwise dispose of, to any such government any defense article" whenever Roosevelt thought it was "necessary in the interests of the defense of the United States." By 1945, the United States had sent more than $40 billion of Lend-Lease aid to the Allies, including the Soviet Union. The Lend-Lease Act was nothing less than an economic declaration of war against Germany and the Axis Powers.

In 1941 7 billion dollars in military supplies was appropriated to non axis countries by?

Lend-Lease Act

What was the name of the act that allowed the US to sell weapons to countries fighting against the axis powers?


What is the law that allowed the US to offer weappons and other war supplies to the Allied Powers to fight against the Axis Powers in World War 2?

Lend-Lease (Public Law 77-11) authorized the U.S. to supply war supplies to other countries.

What was the Lend-lease plan of World War 2?

Congress passed this act on March 11, 1941, giving the president the power to ship food, weapons, or equipment to any countries battling the Axis Powers (Japan, Italy, Germany) of WWII.

In 1941 7 billion in military supplies was appropriated to nonAxis countries by?

In 1941, 7 billion dollars in military supplies was appropriated to non-axis country by the Lend-Lease Act.