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If you think to halogens (not halides) bromine is a liquid.

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10y ago

Bromine is a stable liquid, in the halogen (not halides) family at room temperature.

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Q: What is the only liquid in the halide family?
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What element is in the halide group and is the only liquid?

the only liquid halide is bromine

Which is the element that in the halide family that is liquid?


What is only an element in the halide family that is a liquid?

Bromine Br Atomic number 35. Number of protons-35 Neutrons-45. Electrons-35

Element in the halide family that is liquid?

Bromine is the only element acts as a liquid in the room temperature. The upper elements in the same group are gases. Iodine is a solid that can undergo sublimation in room temperature.

What element is apart of the Halide family with an atomic number of fifty three?

Iodine belongs to halide family. It has atomic number fifty three.

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Iodine is a halide

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They are generally represented as NaX. X shows the halide ion. The ions in this family are fluoride, chloride, bromide and iodide.

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An HQI metal halide lamp belongs to the family of metal halide HID lamps. Hydrargyum quartz iodide (HQI) lamps differ from standard metal halide lamps in that they are often smaller and are offered in double ended versions and require a special socket. The gasses and metal halide salts used in HQI and standard metal halide lamps are the same.

Is iodine a halide?

Iodine is a halogen, not a halide.