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A beneficial mutation leading to variability in a population and the heritability of those beneficial traits.

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Q: List the three conditions that are necessary and sufficient for natural selection to act on a?
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Genetic variation is a necessary condition of which process?

Genetic variation is one of the conditions required for Natural Selection to occur.

Was it absolutely necessary for natural selection to take place?

Genetic change is necessary for natural selection to take place

Why is phenotype variation necessary for natural selection and sexual selection?

It is necessary to create a full and varied species.

What is the third step in natural selection?

There are really no steps in natural selection - just conditions required for it to occur.

Natural selection causes changes in populations of organisms not individual organisms because?

differential reproductive success caused by genetic variation is necessary for the process of natural selection.

Mendel's conclusions is a necessary foundation for Darwin's theory of natural selection?

There are alternate versions of a gene.

What of Mendels conclusions is a necessary foundation for Darwins theory of natural selection?

There are alternate versions of a gene.

What conditions contribute to evolution?

Variability, heredity, and natural selection are 3 main things that contribute to evolution.

What type of natural selection causes no change in the population?

If a population exists in an environment that changes very little, then natural selection may not provide any pressure to change. However, even under these conditions genetic driftoccurs, introducing random change within the parameters set by natural selection.

How can natural selection favor different phenotypes at different times?

Natural selection is something that happens over time and is somewhat dependent on the conditions of climate and environmental changes. There are times when natural selection can favor different phenotypes, if and when the culture starts to seek out others with certain traits and characteristics to breed.

What is the name for the process in which the organisms best adapted to their environment survive?

Its NaTuRaL sElEcTiOn if you didn't know.

Where do the conditions of the market make unified control necessary or desirable to the public interest?

In a natural monopoly, the conditions of the market make unified control necessary or desirable to the public interest.