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Q: Logical connectivity problems often prove more difficult to isolate and resolve than physical connectivity problems?
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Why logical data independence is more difficult than physical data independence?

logical data independence is harder to achieve bcoz all the manipulation is belonging in logical data independence but physical data independence only show the physical view...

What does ping mean on runescape?

ping stands for packet internet groper. it is use for echo request and reply message to check the physical and logical connectivity of a machine on an internetwork

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Difference between physical and logical DFD?

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What layer is ping of the osi model?

PACKET INTERNET GROPER uses ICMP echo request and reply messages to check the physical and logical connectivity of machines on an internetwork . Hence Ping works on layer 3 of OSI model.

What detects and corrects physical and logical problems on a hard drive?

well, the software and the fix the problems automatically...there are settings on automatic software settings that allow you to make adjustments automatically on your computer

Can a single physical topology support multiple logical topology?

Yes, a physical topology can support multiple logical topologies.

What is difference between logical file and physical file?

* Physical file (PF) contains the data and have only one record format. Logical file (LF) is a view of the physical file which does not contain any data may be based on one physical file or more then one physical file. Logical file can have more then one record format. Logical can be non join or join logical file. Performance becomes better if you use the logical file in the program.

Which technologies use token passing method and a physical star but logical ring topology?

token ring uses a physical star and a logical ring ,while FDDI uses a physical star/ring and a logical ring.

Can a single physical topology support multiple logical topologies give the reason?

Can a single physical topology support multiple logical topologies give a proper reason.