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False, it was Louis XVI who wanted to discuss the National debt.

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Q: Louis XlV calls a meeting of the Estate General?
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Why did Louis XVI call the estate generals in 1789?

to discuss France's tax system

What happend because of the Tennis Court Oath?

The Oath signified the first time that French citizens formally stood in opposition to Louis XVI, and the refusal by members of the National Assembly to back down forced the king to make concessions. The Oath also inspired a wide variety of revolutionary activity in the months afterwards, ranging from rioting across the French countryside to renewed calls for a written French constitution. Moreover, the Oath communicated in unambiguous fashion the idea that the deputies of the National Assembly were declaring themselves the supreme state power. From this point forward, Louis XVI would find the Crown increasingly unable to rest upon monarchical traditions of divine right.

What is is the Tennis Court Oath?

AnswerThe Tennis Court Oath was a result of the growing discontent of the Third Estate in France in the face of King Louis XVI's desire to hold onto power. The estates General met at Versailles, each Estate in its own building. The Third estate was restless and grumblesome from the start because the voting system guaranteed that they would never have a majority. While arguments about this went on, the Third turned up for work one day to find their hall closed 'for redecoration'. This was the last straw; they moved into the King's Tennis court (Jeu de Paume) and in the course of a noisy meeting swore not to be broken up until they had been recognised as a National Assembly, like the House of Commons in England or the US Congress.Real (that is, Royal) Tennis is played indoors, in a space longer and narrower than a modern court, surrounded by galleries for spectators. It makes a very good meeting place in an emergency.For further information on the subject, see the Related Link below.

What were the causes of the French revolution of 1830?

Answer 1Problem #1: Money-by 1787 the French government was bankrupt over 400 million livres in debt the 1st and 2nd estates refused to pay taxesProblem #2: Bad Harvest-1787-1788 had terrible weather, heavy rain, hard winters, too hot summers peasants and farmers make smaller incomes or lose their jobs completely because of inflation*King Louis calls estate general in 1789 and for the first time since 1614 members equally divide among the three states*King hopes the Estates general will approve new taxes but nobles and clergy want to continue their privileged lifestyles*Middle class wants democracy while the peasants just want solutions to their problems*Deputies of the third estate declare a national assembly "tennis court oath"In addition, the Enlightenment and the American Revolution also brought about the French Revolution. Ideas and writings of Montesquieu, Voltaire and Rousseau became more widespread. The success of the Americans to overthrow the British also encouraged the French to fight for freedom and liberty. Of the multitude of causes that prompted the French to revolt against their government, famine, an unresponsive government, and government oppression, dominate the historical record. Years of inclement weather across the European continent had caused repeated crop failures resulting in a series of famines that enveloped the nation. In complete disregard of this condition, the ruling class continued to enjoy the privilege and plenty reserved for the upper classes and did little to relieve the plight of the starving common people. When the more vocal of the disaffected that spoke out against the monarchy they were arrested and imprisoned. As conditions worsened even harsher measures were imposed to control increasing unruly commoners. Finally hostilities erupted when police lost control of a street mob in Paris that stormed the hated central prison and freed the imprisoned. Control of government apparatus was ripped from the royals and revolutionaries, inspired by the idea of "natural rights" asserted in the Americans' Declaration of Independence, then set the nation on a course to create a classless society.Answer 2A few of the many causes of the French Revolution were:1. Bad Harvests- There weren't much food and when there was, the price was very expensive.2. High taxes on the Third Estate- The Third Estate is composed of peasants and middle class worker.3. Government financesAnswer 3The French Revolution was caused by many things. The biggest was the economy; after the war on England, the treasury was nearly empty but the monarchy was still spending beyond its means. Then there was an extremely bad harvest that drove up the price of bread; its price went up the it went up to being worth a week's wages because Louis XVI got nervous and bought 2/3 of the flour in the market. This significantly angered the people. As this misfortune occurred, the public believed the Queen was misspending massively for herself, putting distrust into the monarchy. The last important reason, the young king tried to show leadership and implemented economic reforms that pretty much crippled the country.After enduring this for about a year the people storm the major prison and steal arms and move to conquer the King and end up stealing his bread and outher goodsAnswer 4It was caused by the social changes. Middle class began to ask for a greater political role. Peasants wanted freedom also.There was a economic slump due to the bad harvests.The french government and upper classes proved incapable of reform.Answer 5Socio-economic causes:The French society was organized into the system of estates.Peasants made up about 90% of the population. Only a small number of them owned the land they cultivated. Had to pay tithes to the church and taille to the state.Nobles, the Church and other richer members of the third estate owned about 60% of the land.The members of the first two estates, that is, the clergy and the nobility, enjoyed certain privileges by birth, like tax exemption and feudal dues from the peasants.In 1774 upon accession the new king found an empty treasury.Cost of maintaining an extravagant court at the immense palace of Versailles.American war of independence and increase in debt from 1 billion livres to 2 billion livres.Cost of maintaining an army, the court, running government offices or universities, the state was forced to increase taxes on the members of the third estate.Increase in Population:The population of France rose from about 23 million in 1715 to 28 million in 1789.Production of grains could not keep pace with the growing demand.Price of bread rose, which was a staple diet of the majority.The wages did not keep pace with the rising prices.Things became worse whenever drought or hail reduced the harvest. This lead to subsistence crisis.Emergence of Middle Class:The 18th century witnessed the rise of educated middle class, who earned their wealth through an expanding overseas trade and from manufacture of goods such as woolen and silk textiles.This class included professions such as lawyers or administrative officials.These were educated an believed that no group in society should be privileged by birth, rather a persons social position must depend on his merit.Role of philosophers:Ideas of freedom and equal laws, opportunities for all were put forward by philosophers such as John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.They refuted the doctrine of the divine and absolute right of the monarch.Immediate cause:The treasury was empty. The monarch under the Old regime did not have the power to impose new taxes.He had to call a meeting of the Estates General, which was a political body consisting of representatives of the three estates.Voting in past had been conducted according to the principle of one vote for each estate. This time the members of the third assembly demanded voting to be conducted by the assembly as a whole. Where each member would have one vote.The king rejected the proposal and the members of the third walked out of the assembly in protest. They declared themselves a National Assembly, and swore not to disperse till they had drafted a constitution for France that would limit the powers of the monarch.A huge national debt, high taxes and a broken tax code and a lack of bread.poor harvest (severe drought and worst winter in 100 years affected them because there was no food stored) and massive debt ( high loans, half of the budget went to interest, a fourth went to the military, and 6% went to the king and Queen)ECONOMIC CONDITIONS - The population of France rose from about 23 million in 1915 to 28 million in 1989. This increases demand for grains. The production of grains could not keep pace with rise in population. So, the price of bread which was the staple diet of poor rose rapidly. Most workers were employed as labourers in workshops whose owner fixed their wages. The wages did not keep pace with rice in prices. So, gap between rich and poor widened. This lead to subsistence crises.the main causes for french revolution were:1.despotic rule of louis 162.division of french society3.rising prices4.inspiration of philosophers5.role of middle classActually one of the principle causes was the example of the American Revolution. Extreme poverty and hardship in France led to a hatred of the ruling class by the lower social classes.The French aristocracy was one of the most despotic, self-serving and cruel in history. The ancient Romans were more enlightened. The American Revolution was the first successful revolt against colonial domination by the European powers. And it showed the way for a wave of revolutionary uprisings in Latin America.The Bastille was a fortress/prison that loomed over Paris and was the site of many executions and long imprisonments. But when the Bastille was stormed by the Paris mob, there were only four old men imprisoned there.Eighteenth-century French society was divided into "Three Estates", where each individual's estate marked his status and determined legal rights and taxes. The First Estate was the clergy, the Second Estate the nobility, and the Third Estate, all the other people of France. An interesting thing to keep in mind is that the wealthier people of the Third Estate were able to upgrade themselves into the Second Estate by purchasing land that conferred noble title or an ennobling office. Here is where an important class tension lies: only the very rich members of the Third Estate could buy their way into nobility. Thus the poorer workers/commoners were trapped to their ranks.Now, how was this class tension exacerbated? Propaganda. Looking at a historical timeline, one sees that the French Revolution opportunely came very close after the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment had changed the world of public debate, and ideas were given the spotlight in revealing grievances. Plus, the Enlightenment also established some ideas central to the French Revolution. Voltaire attacked noble privileges, Locke and Montesquieu defended limited sovereignty. This circulation of ideas also played a key part in building up tension for the French Revolution.Another key component of the French Revolution was the peasants. Peasants were tangled in taxes and fees: a tithe or levy on farm produce owed to the church, fees for the use of a landlord's mill or wine press, fees to the landlord, and fees was sold/bought. There was also the notorious salt tax at the time, of which the peasants paid a very disproportionate share. And to worsen this condition, there was a general price increase. Many families had to spend more than 50 percent of their income on bread in 1788, and then up to 80 percent the following year.The last key cause of the French Revolution was Louis XVI's incompetency. France's absolutist monarch wished to improve the lifestyle of the poor and shift the burden of taxation, yet he was not able to put these reforms into effect. He appointed reformers such as Anne-Robert-Jacques Turgot (a philosopher) and Jacques Necker (a Swiss Protestant banker) to try to convince his court about these reforms, but the only thing created was opposition among the traditionalist factions in the court. The Paris parlement was steadfast in their rejection of the nobility having to pay taxes (for they believed in maintaining ancient privileges and rules0. Louis XVI also allowed Marie Antoinette, his wife, to give patronage to her friends, yet this only resulted in constantly changing alliances in Versailles.To summarize it all, the four key causes of the French Revolution are as follows:A divisive class system (especially to the lower class).The spreading of revolutionary ideasThe preposterous taxes and fees that the peasantry had to pay.The inability of King Louis XVI to reform his own nation.

Why do you call the era World War 2 the Cold war?

Do you mean, "Why was the era AFTER world war 2 called the cold war?" Because no one calls the era of WW2 the cold war.

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Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the Tennis Court Oath is taken, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedThe National Assembly is declared, the storming of the Bastille occurs, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedNapoleon's personal diary has the events in perfect chronological order. It's hard to find though, good luck.The National Assembly is declared, the storming of the Bastille occurs, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedLouis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the Tennis Court Oath is taken, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedType your answer here... Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the BastilleLouis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the BastilleThe National Assembly is declared, the storming of the Bastille occurs, and the Constitution of 1791 is drafted.Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the BastilleType your answer here... Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the Bastille

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Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the Tennis Court Oath is taken, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedThe National Assembly is declared, the storming of the Bastille occurs, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedNapoleon's personal diary has the events in perfect chronological order. It's hard to find though, good luck.The National Assembly is declared, the storming of the Bastille occurs, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedLouis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the Tennis Court Oath is taken, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedType your answer here... Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the BastilleLouis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the BastilleThe National Assembly is declared, the storming of the Bastille occurs, and the Constitution of 1791 is drafted.Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the BastilleType your answer here... Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the Bastille

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Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the Tennis Court Oath is taken, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedThe National Assembly is declared, the storming of the Bastille occurs, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedNapoleon's personal diary has the events in perfect chronological order. It's hard to find though, good luck.The National Assembly is declared, the storming of the Bastille occurs, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedLouis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the Tennis Court Oath is taken, and the Constitution of 1791 is draftedType your answer here... Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the BastilleLouis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the BastilleThe National Assembly is declared, the storming of the Bastille occurs, and the Constitution of 1791 is drafted.Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the BastilleType your answer here... Louis XVI calls for a meeting of the Estates General, the National Assembly is declared, and a Parisian mob storms the Bastille

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Why did Louis XVI call the estate generals in 1789?

to discuss France's tax system

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