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Q: Main cash crops in colonial North Carolina?
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What crop were the slaves influential in growing and harvesting in colonial south Carolina?

Assuming you are asking about colonial days, main cash crops in the Carolinas were pine forests, rice and indigo.

What were NC main crops?

Tobacco is the major farm crop in North Carolina. Other major farm crops include cotton, soybeans and corn.

What are the main crops in the south and the main crops in the north?


What were the main crops grew in colonial Georga?

Peanuts and Cotton

What was the main cash crop in the colonial times in North Carolina?

some of them are sweet potatoes flue cured tobacco and rice

What was the main difference between the types of crops grown in the north and those grown in the south?

The crops in the South were cash crops and crops in the North were consumable crops.

What were main cites in South Carolina in colonial times?

The main cite was Charleston the main cite was Charleston

What were the main occupations of people in colonial South Carolina?

haiii i am anonyomous!!

What products were produced by the colony north carolina?

in the early days of the colo9ny of north carolina which three of the follopwing were important exports

When North Carolina was founded what were the economic characterist of North Carolina?

The main economic characterist of North Carolina was farming.The main crop was tobbaco. North Carolina supplied gold for the US goverment until 1830,When the gold was all mined out.

What was the most important agricultural product of the south during the colonial period?

During the colonial period the most important agricultural in the south was tobacco.

What were the main crops in colonial massachusetts?

Corn, wheat, hay, apples, cranberries etc.