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If you are sure she is pregnant, take dad out and make a nest for babies. Having dad in the cage can cause extra stress for mama and babies.

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Q: Male and female lop-eared bunnies together and you think she is pregnant How long do you keep the pair together and after she has babies do you need to separate them for the sake of the babies?
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Related questions

When do you separate baby bunnies?

separate baby bunnies when there 8 weeks old

When the female has kits do you separate the male?

You should separate them before she has the babies because almost right after she gives birth she can become pregnant again and you will have bunny explosion!!! Separate them!! The world does not need more bunnies!!!!! :) hope that helps.

What do rabbits do when there pregnant?

Have little bunnies!

What do bunnies do to get pregnant?

the same thing as humans

Are bunnies enemies of hamsters?

No, but I recommend separate cages just the same.

How long are bunnies pregnate?

they r pregnant for 30 to 35 days

Can baby bunnies get there mom pregnant?

yes, just like a mothers son can get his mother pregnant. human wise

How do you know bunnies are happy?

they rub there teeth together.

Can you have bunnies when you are pregnant?

NO. Only bunnies can have baby bunnies, people have little people babies. ==Additional Information== Please see the link below for a good discussion of people and pets and the risk of disease from pets.

Can a rabbit cage be too small for a pregnant mother?

well if u want to keep the little bunnies in there too but if not, than no because pregnant bunnies don't need that much space anyway because they won't be moving around a lot

My rabbit been in with a boy rabbit for a month and a bit and she still isn't pregnant the girls 5 months and the boy is 7 months why isn't she pregnant.?

Does should not be bred until they are at least 6 months old... it is dangerous for her to be bred so young! In time she will be able to breed and be pregnant in no time . Please separate your bunnies and further research this.

Can dogs and bunnies live together?

If they are both girls, they might have babies at the same time. Bunnies and dogs cannot have babies together.