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These animals mothers give birth standing up? These animals mothers give birth standing up?

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Q: Males of this species begin to grow collars of fur at about 18 months?
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What males of this species begin to grow collars of fur at 18 months and lives in the savanna?

I would assume that'd be the lion...

When does Lesch-Nyhan syndrome begin?

At birth, males with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome appear completely normal. Development is usually normal for the first few months. Symptoms develop between three to six months of age.

When do baby pheasants change color?

Both males and females are hatched with the same plumage; nine to twelve months after hatching, the males' necks begin to turn peacock blue, and their splendid plumage takes about four years to reach full size.

At what age can young kangaroos get food on their own?

This depends on the species. Larger species such as Red kangaroos and Grey kangaroos begin to feed on solid food from about seven months onwards, while smaller ones such as the Musky rat-kangaroo will start to feed after only a couple of months in the pouch, as they have a much shorter pouch-life. Even after joeys of all species begin to make their first forays into the outside world, they will continue to return to the mother's pouch for safety and even for milk for several months more.

When numbers of a species begin to decline?

If the numbers of a species begin to decline dramatically, the species becomes known as an "endangered" species. When the numbers decline so far that the species no longer exists, the species is known to be "extinct."

How old are German shepherds when they lift their leg up to pee?

If the Shepherd is a male they will do it from the age of 5 - 10 Months of age, occasionally some females also bring their leg up but the males do it to further mark their territory.Edited by Jetsled -Males lifting one of their hind legs to urinate is widely believed in the veterinary field to be a hormonal development. With that said males begin to go through "puberty" if you will at anywhere from 8 - 15 months. Once testosterone begins to be produced they will then begin to lift their legs to pee.

What months begin with the letter M?

Months that begin with M: March. May.

At what age do babies walk?

On average, a healthy child will begin to take its first steps between the ages of 10-15 months. Yes, males do tend to walk at a later age than females.

What are physical changes peacocks go through after hatching?

nine to twelve months after hatching, the males' necks begin to turn peacock blue, and their splendid plumage takes about four years to reach full size

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How many months begin with M?


At what age does a male beagle become fertile?

The minimum age for breeding any female is 1 1/2 years or their third heat, whichever comes first. That is a standard age for any breed. The males can begin breeding as soon as they start producing sperm which can be from 7 to 10 months.