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Mammals that eat flesh of other animals are called carnivores.

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Q: What is the animal that eats flesh of another animal.?
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A carnivore is an animal that eats?

animal flesh/meat

A carniviore is an animal that eats?

Meat or Flesh.

What is a person who eats no animal flesh called?

A vegetarian.

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What is a person who eats animal flesh called?

That's a carnivore.

An animal that kills and eats another animal?

Energy is derived from food. So any animal that kills and eats another obtains energy. Such as lions, tigers, bears dogs, cats, they are all know as carnivores, flesh eating mammals

What is flesh is flesh fat what eats flesh what does omnivorous mean what does flesh mean give me an example of something that eats animal's flesh.what does feeding on both plantanimal flesh?

Carniverous animals are flesh eaters, humans are carniverous and eat plants

What animals cannot trace the origin of their energy back to plants?

None. Every animal either eats plants, or eats another animal that eats plants, or eats another animal that eats another animal that eats plants.

What type of creature is an omnivore?

a animal that eats both vegetation and flesh

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lions or flesh eating animals eat mussel

What is a caranovre?

a carnivore is a flesh eating animal or a animal that eats meat ex: lion, shark, etc

What is the definition of carnivores?

A carnivore is an animal or plant that primarily eats the flesh of other animals or insects. Carnivores are usually predators.