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Ok, that stuff was junk. You burn about .2 calories per sit-up for the average person. So in other words, 10 sit-ups burns 2 calories. If you're looking to lose weight, I suggest jogging, walking or running. Again based on the average weight and height 1000 sit-ups is equivalent to jogging, running, or walking from around 2.5 to 3.5 mi. for the average person. Pick your poison. DO one of them for 17.5 days eating around the recommended amount of calories per day, and viola, you have lost a pound, though it also helps to switch out some foods, like eat an apple instead of a candy bar, trade in 2% milk for skim, eat vegetables to your meal, grill rather than fry. All these things will help.

directly @topic: .2 calories

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13y ago
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13y ago

it depends how many you do but it dkoes help your abs and mainly your stomach area


I just did a ton of reading on this answer, because I really needed to know the calories per situp. As many have said, it depends on quite a few factors, but it seems the average calories burned per situp is 0.08 calories.

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9y ago

Sit ups do not burn a lot of calories and how many you would burn depends on your actual weight. 250 sit ups would only burn about 25 calories.

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9y ago

The number of calories that 20 sit-ups would burn depend on several factors like weight. On average each set of 10 sit-ups burns 2 calories and therefore 20 of them would burn 4 calories.

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12y ago

it matters how many sit ups you do. like if you run a mile you burn 100 calories

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13y ago

This depends on the type of sit-up. A flat lagged sit up will burn more calories than with knees up (just as one example)

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11y ago

Only 5 calories, step ups are better they burn 104 calories ever 12 minutes hope I helped xoxoxox

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13y ago

Depending on your height weight and build, you can burn 1-2 calories in one conventional ground situp

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