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Mechanical waves transfer energy via oscillations in a medium of some kind. That said, we classify mechanical waves according to the direction of the oscillations of the media. There are thee. Surface waves travel at the junction of two mediums, like water waves travel at the junction of water and air. Longitudinal waves travel in the same direction as the wave is moving, and sound moves this way via compression and rarefaction of the media. Picture the forward and back motion of a speaker cone moving air to create sound. Transverse waves see the medium moving side to side, and a long, flexible spring will do this if it is gently stretched and held at one end while the other end is wiggled right and left.

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13y ago

classified according to how they move.

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9y ago

Mechanical waves are destined to have a material medium so as to get propagated through. Sound waves are mechanical waves where as light wave is not so. It is electromagnetic in nature

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Mechainical waves are classifed according to?

A mechanical wave is classified according to how they move.

What are wave classification?

Mechanical waves are produced when a source of energy causes a medium to vibrate. Mechanical waves are classified by how they move. There are two types of mechanical waves: transverse waves and longitudinal waves. Transverse means "across." Longitude means "horizontal". Transverse waves move the particles of the medium perpendicular to the direction in which the waves are traveling. Longitudinal waves move the particles of the medium parallel to the direction in which the waves are traveling. by how they move

Electromagnetic waves are classified according to?

They are classified according to their wavelength.

How waves classified?

waves are classified according to how they move. the three types of waves are transversed waves, longitudinal waves, and surface waves

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electromagnetic waves are classified according to wavelengththis waz written by me Haley

Waves are classified according to?

waves are classified according to the amount of energy they posses gamma rays being first then x-rays and so on and so forth

How can you classify energy according to its waves?

Waves may be classified according to the direction of vibration relative to that of the energy transfer

What are 2 types of mechanical waves and how are they classified?

Mechanical waves are those which requires a material medium to traverse through. Where as electromagnetic waves can pass through both material as well as vacuum. Mechanical waves are of two category. One is longitudinal. Best example is Sound Waves. The particles of the medium through which sound traverses would vibrate parallel to the direction of propagation. The other one is transverse. In this the vibrations of the particle would be perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Example waves on the surface of water. Electromagnetic waves are always transverse in nature as electrical and magnetic vectors would be perpendicular to the direction of propagation. Bets example is visible light.

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How em waves different from mechanical waves?

Mechanical waves require a medium while Electromagnetic waves does not.

What do you call waves that require a medium A electromagnetic waves or B mechanical waves?

Mechanical waves, shock waves, etc.

Is a sound wave mechanical or electromagnetic?

Seismic waves are mechanical waves.