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Migrations of English Calvinists to New England-Factors?

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Q: Migrations of English Calvinists to New England- Factors?
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What was NOT a factor in inducing the migration of English Calvinists to New England?

Political conflict and religious persecution in England were not factors in inducing migration of English Calvinists to New England.

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The Great Migrations of animals is driven by the season and the availability of food.

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colonialism and business

What are three factors that caused economic problems in England?

England was in debt because of the war with France. The French were unhappy with the English possession of Boulogne. An alliance between Scotland and France was prompted by Somerset's invasion of Scotland.

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Factors that caused the English Civil War during Charles Is reign?

1) Charles disliked the Puritans and treated them harshly. 2) The king constantly needed money and at times resorted to extortion. 3) He dissolved Parliament until he needed money. 4) He insisted on the divine right of kings. 5) He tried to force the Scottish Calvinists to reform.

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There has never been a war between America and England.

What are the types of government and political factors in England?

the government in England are constitutional monarcy hope this helps

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What factor causes the greatest change in gene pools?

Environmental factors cause the greatest change in gene pools. some of these factors are radiation,pollution,food supply,population,predators,and camouflage. Of these factors the most important to today's gene pool is radiation because it causes mutation in the chromosomes and can completely change an organism.