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Q: More deaths result from accidents at work than from accidents that occur in the home?
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Are there more bicycle deaths than airline deaths?

No. There is less aircraft deaths or accidents are way lesser than motorcycle-related deaths.

How many deaths occur each minute?

100 deaths occur each and every minute of the day. That's more then 153000 deaths a day and over 6000 deaths per hour. Even more during a natural disaster.

Does stroke cause more cardiovascular deaths?

Heart attacks (myocardial infarctions) are the number one cause of cardiovascular deaths. Strokes (cerebrovascular accidents) are second.

Which cases more deaths cars or airplanes?

That is easy, cars do cause more death, the only thing to point out is that the survivability index of car accidents (amount of people involved in car accidents who survive) is better than planes, basically your odds of surviving a plane crash are very bad, but if you take into account the millions of people who fly, the amount of accidents and deaths is minimal. Regards.

What animal not insect is responsible for the most human deaths in the world?

The correct answer is the DEER (white tail & others). More human deaths result annually as well as cumulatively from auto accidents involving deer than from any other animal responsible cause.

How many people die in traffic accidents yearly?

Nearly 1.3 million people die in road crashes each year, on average 3,287 deaths a day. An additional 20-50 million are injured or disabled. More than half of all road traffic deaths occur among young adults ages 15-44.

In a period fo 12 months involvement in 3 or more accidents will result in?

dmv investigation

Who has more traffic accidents men or women?

Men are more aggressive drivers and therefore are twice as likely to get into a car accident as compared to women. Edit: whoever said this should be punched in the mouth for such a pathetic answer ... the truth is that men do get in more accidents, but that's because men drive more often than women ... WOMEN actually get in more accidents than men do per mile driven .... but men get in more dangerous accidents, leading to way more deaths ...

How many bicycle accidents occur every year?

It is said that about 800 people die each year from bicycle accidents. The majority of these accidents are involving children under 18 and it is statistically proven that more males happen to get into bicycle accidents.

Can a raccoon die on all four legs by car?

Vehicle accidents account for a majority of raccoon deaths, more than by disease, hunting or predation.

What season do car accidents occur the most?

I would have to say summer because people are out more and drink a lot more at night and have parties.

Do you think more accidents occur in a big city or a small town?

I think accidentas occur in big cities rather than a small town. And it would affect the rate because not many people in big cities drive nor walk.The probability of accidents increases as the number of people and cars increases. So a big city would have more chances for accidents to happen.