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Most alcohol is absorbed into the body through the samll intestines.

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Q: What Alcohol is absorbed primarily though the?
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How does alcohol enter the blood?

it is because you have a bladder problem...

What affects how fast alcohol is absorbed into the body?

Alcohol is absorbed primarily in the intestines. Therefore, keeping alcohol in the stomach (by eating food) slows its release into the intestines and therefore, its absorption into the blood stream.

Proteins are absorbed primarily as?

Proteins are absorbed primarily as amino acids. These acids are water soluble and easily absorbed by the body via active transport.

Where is alcohol absorbed?

When you take a drink, about 20 percent of the alcohol is absorbed in your stomach; the remaining 80 percent is absorbed in your small intestine.

What percentage of alcohol is absorbed through small intestine?

The percentage of alcohol that is absorbed through the small intestines is 80%. The remaining 20% of alcohol consumed is absorbed through the stomach.

What percentage of alcohol is absorbed in the small intestines?

The percentage of alcohol that is absorbed through the small intestines is 80%. The remaining 20% of alcohol consumed is absorbed through the stomach.

What is the absorbed in significant quantities by the stomach?

Which of the following is absorbed in significant quantities by the stomach?

Where does alcohol primarily enters the bloodstream through?

There really isn't any othe answer but to drink it. That is manely what it is made for. It is a liquid.

Why does alcohol absorb faster than food?

Alcohol is a liquid that is absorbed directly into the blood stream from the stomach. Food is absorbed through the intestines, but it must be broken down first. That is why alcohol is absorbed faster.

Is alcohol absorbed by the body fast?


Is alcohol absorbed in the small intestine?

alcohol is absorbed into the blood via capillary networks all around the digestive system

What part of the body absorb alcohol?

Most alcohol is usually absorbed in the digestive tract. And most, by far, is absorbed in the small intestine but some is absorbed in the mouth, throat and stomach.