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used to maintain life at that level

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Q: Most of the energy at one level of a food pyramid is?
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What is a diagram that shows an ecosystem's lost of energy at each level of the food chain?

Energy Pyramid

How are energy pyramids and trophic level alike?

The trophic levels show which organisms are at each level of the energy pyramid. The pyramid is shaped exactly as a pyramid. The lowest level contains the most energy and the most in number and variation of species. The next level only has 10% of the first levels' energy and fewer species. The amount of energy in the first level determines the number of levels possible. The tropical rain forest has the most levels (as many as 4) and a desert has the fewest (as few as 2). See links below:

What statement describes a pyramid of energy?

There are always more prey organisms than producers in a community. Murshedur Rahman

What level of the food pyramid contains consumers with the least biomass?

Those at the top of the food pyramid contain consumers with the smallest number and therefore, with the least total biomass compared to the layers below them.

What type of pyramid shows energy flow through an ecosystem?

An energy pyramid portrays the flow of energy by displaying the plants at the bottom, who get the most energy from the sun, and then gradually moving up to herbivores as it shows the transferal of energy from the plants to the herbivores and how the amount of energy received is significantly less than the original amount. The pyramid then shows how energy is passed from carnivore to carnivore and decreases in amount each time. The pyramid gets smaller as you reach the top of the food chain because not as much energy can be acquired by eating an animal that has eaten another animal that has eaten a plant that received energy from the sun. The energy decreases as it is passed from one creature to the next and the pyramid depicts this as it gets smaller toward the top. Helpful?

Related questions

Who has most energy at the pyramid level?

Producers have the most energy at the pyramid level because they manufacture food from inorganic raw materials.

Which level represents the most available energy in a food pyramid?


What shows how much energy and food is available in each level of an ecosystem?

Energy pyramid Energy pyramid.

Most of the energy at one level of a food pyramid is what?

Used to maintain life at that level. (♥nova net!

What pyramid represents the amount of energy that exists in each level of a food web?

A food web pyramid.The ecological pyramid, also referred to as the energy pyramid.

What does the energy pyramid show?

an energy pyramid shows the amount of energy that moves from one feeding level to another feeding level in a food web

What is a diagram that shows an ecosystem's lost of energy at each level of the food chain?

Energy Pyramid

How are energy pyramids and trophic level alike?

The trophic levels show which organisms are at each level of the energy pyramid. The pyramid is shaped exactly as a pyramid. The lowest level contains the most energy and the most in number and variation of species. The next level only has 10% of the first levels' energy and fewer species. The amount of energy in the first level determines the number of levels possible. The tropical rain forest has the most levels (as many as 4) and a desert has the fewest (as few as 2). See links below:

What shows the decrease of energy at each level of a food chain?

an energy pyramid

What pyramid represents the amount of energy or matter that exists in each level of a food web?

a food web pyramid

What pyramid represents the amount of energy or matter that exist in each level of food web?

a food web pyramid

What pyramid represents amount of energy or matter that exists in each level of a food web?

a food web pyramid