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Q: Movements in the crust that cause the faulting or folding or rocks is called?
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What is the movements in the crust that cause the faulting or folding of rock?


What do plate movements causes that drives rocks through the rock cycle?

Pushing the rocks back into the mantle, where they melt and become magma again. plate movements also cause the folding, faulting, uplift of the crust that move rocks through the rock cycle

What are the effects of diastrophism?

The effects of diastrophism are so many on the surface of the earth and include formation of mountains, plateaus and may cause tremors and earthquakes.

What is the rock cycle and what is the role of plate tectonics in the rock cycle?

The rock cycle is a series of processes on Earth's surface and in the crust and mantle that slowly change rocks from one kind to another.Plate movements start the rock cycle by helping to form magma, the source of igneous rocks. Plate movements also cause faulting, folding, and other motions of the crust that help to form sedimentary and metamorphic rocks.

What process must ocurrs for an unformity to form?

first is erosion cause it wears away the land in the particular layer second is folding of strata and third is faulting of bedding plane forth is tectonic moment

What is it called when forces inside earth turn rock layers over completely?

The process you are referring to is called tectonic deformation or tectonic overturning. It occurs when internal tectonic forces cause rock layers to rotate or flip over. This can happen during intense geological events like folding, faulting, or mountain building.

What do you call the uphold on the crust cause by faulting?


How earth quake is formed?

An earthquake is formed when faulting and folding of the earth happens. There are great blocks of rock that are usually tightly against one another at a fault, or crack in the earth. After many years of being pushed towards or against one another, the rocks sometimes have a sudden movement and assume a new position. Even if they only move an inch or two, the vibrations of their movements can cause the earth to shake.

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How may faulting cause a tsunami?

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How can mountains be formed by folding?

the mountains formed by folding cause of tectonic plates

What is the most common cause of and earthquake?

When the 2 plates strike and then slip. Or faulting.