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muscles are made up of cells

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Q: Are muscles are bundles of muscle fibers d together by connective tissue?
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What are bundles of muscles fibers within a muscle called?

In forming whole muscles, individual muscle fibers are arranged in bundles, or fascicles, held together by fibrous connective tissue.Answer is Fascicles.

What is perimysium?

Perimysium is the connective tissue that binds muscle fibers into groups. The muscles will be grouped in bundles of 10 to 100.

The parallel bundles of dense connective tissue fibers in joints are known as?


What holds cellulose molecules together in bundles large enough to form fibers?

Hydrogen bonds hold cellulose molecules together in bundles large enough to form fibers..

The perimysium is a collagenous connective tissue layer that groups several muscle fibers together into bundles called what?

Epimysium surrounds the muscle Perimysium sorrounds fascicles Endomysium surrounds myofibers

What are three types of fascia and their differences?

Fascia-the sheets of fibrous connective tissue that holds muscle fibres together.Epimysium is on the outer layer of the whole muscle (made up of bundles).Fascicles is the name for those bundles of muscles, which is surrounded by perimysium.Individual muscle fibers are surrounded by myofibers.

Describe the microscopic anatomy of a muscle fiber?

Skeletal muscle fibers are composed of thousands of fibers, each with a covering of loose connective tissue-endomysium. The fibers are organized in parallel bundles called fascicles. Each fascicle is surrounded by a perimysium sheath; the presence of collagen bundles suggests dense connective tissue. Multiple fascicles are encased in a dense connective tissue-epimysium, which covers the entire muscle organ. Blood vessels and nerve fibers penetrate to the endomysium to supply the muscle fibers.

What type of tissue holds muscle fibers together?

The connective tissue holds muscle fibers together. The connective tissue also holds other organs together, as well as cushioning them.

The delicate connective tisssue that surrounds the skeletal muscle fibers and ties adjacent muscle fibers together is the?

The delicate connective tissue that surrounds the skeletal muscle fibers and ties adjacent muscle fibers together is the endomysium.

Provides great strength through parallel bundles of collagenic fibers found in tendons?

Dense fibrous connective tissue

What is the location of the perineurium connective tissue covering?

it surrounds fascicles of nerve fibers (axons) in the peripheral nervous system

What part of a hair cell are tethered together by protein fibers?

hair bundles