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Q: My head is so eachy and my hair is so thin I am loosing lots of hair- does that mean when your head is eachy you loose hair?
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Related questions

What would make a dog loose hair by the ears on the top of the head?

Usually that means theres a flea bed.

What is a person suffering from trichopathophobai afraid of?

Fear of loose hairs. Not hair on the head, that's Trichopathophobia. Like hairs on someone's jumper, or attached to a sleeve.

Does hair ever stop growing?

Hair sheds. When loose hairs fall from your head its because it's shedding.

What vitamin deficiency causes loss of hair?

Using shampoo every day will strip vital natural oils your scalp produces to protect the hair. Some of them say they have vitamins. The lack of vitamins will contribute to hair loss. Sunshine provides vitamin D, the best hair vitamin. Get sunshine on your head! This is the best way to keep from loosing hair.

What has head but no hair - riddle?

A pin has a head but no hair

What is the average number of hairs found on the head of a female?

The amount of hairs found on the head of a human female is over billions. The exact number is not known as, females loose increasingly amounts of hair everyday.

How can you keep your hair straight over night?

Use a bandana - wrap you hair in a loose bun and tie the bandana around you head. (not tight) Or...Keep your hair in a loose ponytail and use a thick headband to keep your hear out of you face.

Why would an engine run clean when first started then white smoke progressively get worse?

If you are loosing coolant, you have a leaking head gasket. If you are loosing oil and have a turbo, the seal on the turbo is bad. either intake manifold gasket or head gasket is leaking

Why does Alistair Darling have different coloured facial hair from his hair on his head?

he died the hair on his head

What did Eris the Greek goddess wear on her head?

Eris Greek goddess of strife, discord, chaos, contention and rivalry is either depicted with her hair loose and flowing with nothing on her head or wearing a type of Alice band/tiara.

Im losing my hair?

For male pattern baldness, the biggest reason for hair loss is a hormone called DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which damages the hair follicles on the top of the head, but doesn't affect the hairs on the back of the head and sides. For women, there can be a number of other causes.

What do you call if the hair on the head is shaved head without hair?
