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The three traditional states of matter include solid, liquid and gas. A solid has a regular, repeating or rigid molecular structure and is rigid. A liquid is fluid or amorphous state of matter and takes the space of its container. A gas is a diffuse, amorphous portion of matter, unbound by a strong intra-molecular interaction, where a portion of the matter may be easily removed away from the main body.

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Q: Name and describe the physical properties of the three states of matter?
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What are the states of matter and the properties of each?

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Matter has many observable properties. These include shape, color, dimension. The physical state of matter is also viewable such as water in solid, liquid and gaseous states.

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Well, the base of the Solid object, and what it is made with, and all of the Physical appearances have to do with it. Everything is different.

Is state property or chemical property?

Solid, liquid, gas and plasma (fundamental states of matter) are physical properties.

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Yes, matter can change states after a physical change.

What 3 basic properties of matter?

People tend to mix definitions for Physical Properties of matter and the three States of matter. The physical property of matter is ANYTHING you can observe about an object by using your senses. In other words, how does it looks, feels, smells, sounds, tastes. So pick an object and pick any three things to discribe it. ie: Water: Cold, Transparent, Salty. The three states of matter are Solids, Liquids, and Gases.

List three physical properties?

If you actually mean the three states of matter, then your answer is liquid, solid, and gas. Plasmas and Bose-Einstein condensates are two other states of matter, extreme heat and extreme cold respectively, but you probably do not need to worry about those.If you actually mean physical properties, then your answer is probably based off of a test or worksheet or something like that for school, because there are way more then just three physical properties.

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