Alain - Raymond Aron - Gaston Bachelard - Simone de Beauvoir - Albert Camus - Auguste Comte - Condorcet - Benjamin Constant - D'Alembert - René Descartes - Claude Lévi-Strauss - Jacques Merleau-Ponty - Michel de Montaigne - Charles de Montalembert - Montesquieu - Blaise Pascal - Ernest Renan - Jean-Paul Sartre - Hyppolite Taine - Pierre Teilhard de Chardin - Alexis de Tocqueville - Voltaire -
(a few philosophers - Wikipedia lists more than one thousand of them)
The capital of Ionia was Miletus. It was a prominent city in ancient Greece known for its philosophers and scientists.
What is the name given to philosophers who construct their ethical approaches with mixed approaches?
Thomas Hobbes
james madison, george washington, john hancock
Aristotle, Socrates or Plato should do the trick.
social contract
They were called soviets.
France Castel's birth name is France Bgin.