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Skulls are hidden objects in each campaign level (or now in the new multiplayer levels , I think) When you pick up a skull you "unlock" it, in the sense that you can now use it's ability in campaign. When you activate the skulls they actually have a negetive effect on you, and make the game even harder. The reason why people would do this is because it adds a bonus when you are playing to get a score ( You get an achievement when you get a certain score).

Also, if you find all thirteen skulls, you can unlock the Hayabusa armor.

Or maybe you mean, "Which are the skulls in Halo 3?". Well, here's a list.


Black Eye

Tough Luck








Grunt Birthday Party


IWHBYD (I Would Have Been Your Daddy)

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14y ago
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14y ago

Blind skull on sierra 117 Black eye skull crows nest tough luck skull tsavo highway Fog skull flood gate Famine skull The ark cowbell skull the ark thunderstorm skull the covenant i would of been your daddy the covenant tilt skull cortana mythic skull halo

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13y ago

Skulls are hidden in every level and can be found and picked up.

Once picked up they are unlocked and can be activated.

Once activated they make your game harder and more challenging.

There are 6 skulls located in the multiplayer, on these maps:







Gold Skulls, found in campaign:


Black Eye

Tough Luck






Silver Skulls


Grunt Birthday


I Would Have Been Your Daddy

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12y ago

The main use for the skulls is to use during the campaign when trying to get more points. If you set up a campaign lobby and press the' X ' button you have the option to turn them on. Once al skills are turned on then you will get alot more points during the game but the skulls will cause odd things to happen like you shields don't re generate and as nath said u have t start the level from scratch if u die.

They are mainly used in this way to get the achievements via xbox live

Source(s):Have the game and collected all silver skulls
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13y ago

the remains of a dead person's decomposed head

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14y ago

1.Iron 2.Black Eye 3.Tough Luck 4.Catch 5.fog 6.Famine 7.Thunderstorm 8.Tilt 9.Mythic 10. Blind 11.Cowbell 12.grunt birthday party 13.iwhbyd

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ok, go to youtube and type in "how to find all halo 3 skulls" then watch the video and get the skulls. yes, its that simple.

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By getting skulls.

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Find them your self

Where are all of the skulls in Halo 3?

Go to They have the largest source of everything Halo.

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If i am correct then it is the same as the skulls being off.

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What do all of the skulls do in Halo 3?

THey get you an achievement, and they get you the Hayabusa helmet.

Where are all skulls in odst?

All skulls are automatically unlocked for Halo 3: ODST due to gameplay reasons.

How many skulls are there to find in Halo 3 odst?

Sorry there arn't any, The only skulls are in "Halo 3" Which are used in "Halo 3 O.D.S.T."