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were Roman Catholic

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Q: Native-born Protestant Americans distrusted and resented the Irish mostly because these immigrants?
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Which idea specifically favors nativeborn Americans over recent immigrants?


Why did nativists dislike immigrants?

Natives disliked the new immigrants because they (took jobs from white Americans).

What did americans do to get rid of immigrants?

It is very hard for the Americans to actually get rid of the immigrants.

Why do Americans many Americans reacted to the difficulties of the postwar years by targeting immigrants?

the americans blamed the immigrants for there economic failure. they also blamed them from taking job from americans. but i find this wrong because those americans were immigrants once or the family they came from were.

What are the ways the Germany immigrants were treated in the US war?

Harassed by bitter people probably, otherwise not much. Many Americans had German ancestry and many of those American's helped the war effort. They were just distrusted and hated by a growing number of individuals involved or attached to the war effort.

Why are Americans accepting to legal immigrants?

This is a country of immigrants except for Native Americans. Our Constitution established that all are welcome.

Who took advantage of the homestead act?

white Americans, freed slaves and immigrants

Why did some Americans in the southwest call for repatriation of Mexican immigrants?

white americans wanted access to jobs that immigrants held.

Americans began to fear foreigners and recent immigrants because of the what?

Americans began to fear immigrants because of a perception that the immigrants were a threat to American job security. There is a thought that immigrants depress wages, and this affects the American worker.

Why were the new immigrants unable to blend into Americans society as easily as the old immigrants who had come before them?

they did not practice the same religion as most americans

How did the Americans treat the Scottish Immigrants?

The Americans treated the Scottish immigrants in a prejudicial manner. They considered them as intruders who did not have any right to be in American soil.

What things did immigrants bring to the US?

Immigrants bring new food that Americans can try.