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Q: Near instantaneous movement of objects from one place to another popular in science fiction?
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What is instantaneous movement of objects in science fiction?

Teleportation- as in Beaming-up on Star Trek- which oddly never used the term, preferring (Beaming) and the (transporter room) for the operating deck.

An objects speed at a particular moment in time is called?

Instantaneous Speed.

What is motion and name one example of it?

Motion is the movement of objects and substances from one place to another. Ex:Wind

Movement of objects used to do work is?

Movement of objects used to do work is motion energy.

How are objects in the universe moving?

While there is some seemingly random movement, in general the objects are moving away from one another. In other words, the Universe is expanding.

What is the movement of objects and substances that move from one place to another?

yes,sound waves always move from one substance to another

What is called speed of an object at a given instant?

An objects speed at any particular moment in time is known as its instantaneous velocity. This is the rate of change or the derivative of the objects position.

Speed of an object at one instants of time objects speed?

The speed of an object at one instant of time is its instantaneous speed.

What is a change in an objects position?


Is gravity a movemant?

It is movement kind of it pulls you and most objects back down in place. Movement is or as it's definition says is to change from one position to another you move because gravity pulls you down so my guess is that it is movement.

What was movement in Norway?

Non stationary objects.

The objects you use for comparison become your what?
