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Neurotransmitters released by 1 nerve cell are received by another neuron. The receptor of a postsynaptic neuron receives the neurotransmitters.

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Q: Neurotransmitters released by 1 nerve cell are received by?
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What chemicals released from nerve cells that play an important role in nerve cell communication?

Neurotransmitters are chemicals released from nerve cells that play an important role in nerve cell communication.

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What is an autoreceptor?

An autoreceptor is a receptor which is situated in the terminal of a presynaptic nerve cell, sensitive to neurotransmitters released by the neuron in whose membrane the autoreceptor sits.

What is the purpose of lamotrigine?

Lamotrigine is thought to act at sodium channels in the neuron (nerve cell) to reduce the amount of excitatory neurotransmitters that the nerve cell releases.

How do nerve cells relay messages?

By releasing chemicals (neurotransmitters) @ the synapse to the next cell.

Where are neurotransmitters produced?

The nervous system is traditionally considered the main producer of neurotransmitters. They are produced in the cyton, or soma; the body of the nerve cell that contains the nucleus. They are then transported to the synaptic vessicles where they wait to be released by an action potential by stimulation.

What will happen to the next nerve cell whet it gets 'hit' by neurotransmitters?

exited to transmit the signal

What organelle stores things like neurotransmitters used in nerve cells?

The organelles that store things like neurotransmitters used in nerve cells are vesicles. A vesicle is a small liquid filled sac within a cell.

The characteristic of a nerve cell that relates directly to its function in recieving and transmitting nerve impulses is its?

Accumulation of chemical neurotransmitters and specific protein molecules

What part of a neuron contains neurotransmitters?

Neurotransmitters are used to send messages from cell to cell, usually neuron to neuron. Neurotransmitters are released from the pre-synapse, which is at the axon terminus. These neurotransmitters are picked up by the post-synapse on the receiving cell. These post-synapses are located on structures called dendrites or on the cell body.

Where do chemical messages originate from?

Chemical messages, also known as neurotransmitters, originate from the nerve cells in the brain or other parts of the nervous system. These chemical messengers are released at synapses, which are the junctions between nerve cells, to transmit signals from one nerve cell to another. Different neurotransmitters have specific functions and play a crucial role in regulating various physiological and cognitive processes in the body.