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Well if you read Science is Fun you would know the Answer is obviously Chemical

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11y ago

acid + base ==> salt + water

this is neutralization and is a chemical change

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Q: Neutralize a base physical or chemical property?
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Can neutralize a base is chemical property or physical property?

When you neutralize, it would be a chemical property.

Can neutralize a base is physical property or chemical property?

This is a chemical property because it can only be observed in a chemical reaction.

Can neutralize a base is this a physical or chemical property?

The neutralization of a base, or an acid for that matter, is a chemical property, because you are reacting the base with an acid to change the base into a different compound. For example: NaOH (a strong base) + HNO3 (a strong acid) ---> NaNO3 + H2O

Is neutralizing a base a chemical or physical property?

It is Chemical Property that can Neutrilize a Base

Is base a physical property or a chemical property?


Is it a physical property or chemical property if it reacts with a base to form water?

chemical property

Is reacts with a base to form water a chemical property or a physical property?

it is a chemical property because it changes the chemical structure of the molecules in the base

Is reaction with a base a chemical or physical property?

chemical property

Is reacting with water to form a base a chemical or physical property?


Is a reacting with a base to form water a physical or chemical property?


What kind of chemical will react with and neutralize an acid?

A base, a basic oxide as CaO and a saline hydride as NaH will neutralize an acid.

Is neutralizeing a base a physical or chemical propoerty?

The act of nuetralizing a base, i surmise, is when you refer to a neutralization reaction that produces water and a salt. Let me ask you this, how could it possibly be a physical property?