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protection and use of the law.

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Q: No state is allowed to make laws that deprive a citizen of full what of the law?
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What is full name of movie citizen Kane?

"Citizen Kane" is the full name.

Is John McCain a naturalized citizen?

No, he is full citizen of the U.S. because he was born in the U.S.

What kind of Rights are given to a citizen and when traveling from one state to another?

Your rights remain unchanged from state to state, because they are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.

Can you as a citizen purchase or convert post-86 firearms to full auto if so what would you have to do to be legally allowed?

No. No additional machine guns may be transferred to a private citizen that were not already registered with the BATFE by May 1986. Full auto weapons made after that date may only be transferred to a law enforcement agency, a military agency, or another machine gun dealer.

What does the oath state when becoming an American citizen?

It basically states that if you are called for war you will serve, you will respect and follow all laws to the full extent of authority, and so forth.

How do you get a new citizen on small street?

It's so logicall. If you want a citizen, you have to prepare a room for them at the townhouse. How could you ask for a new citizen if your townhouse is full??

What is the maximum fee an employer can charge an employee for wage garnishment in CA?

The answer is from ADP which has a nice state-by-state list of the fees allowed, if any. According to this chart, the maximum allowed for California is $1.50 per payment. See the related link to see the full chart.

In the context of the United Nations what is an observer state?

An observer state is a state that is not a full voting member of the United Nations General Assembly, but it is sometimes a full sovereign state, or part way to being one, has some form of international recognition and it is allowed to participate in UN debate. Examples may include the Palestinian Authority or Vatican City.

Who wrote the female citizen?

The Female Citizen, (The Declaration of the Rights of the Woman and the Female Citizen to give the full title) was written by activist, feminist and playwright Olympe De Gouges in 1791.

How did Jim Crow Laws deprive American citizens of their civil rights?

it violated the fourteenth amendment that granted full citizenship to all white and black men

Can a south African citizen enter Mauritius with a temporary passport?

No, a South African citizen cannot enter Mauritius with a temporary passport. He has to have a full passport.

What did it mean to be citizen of Athens?

To be a citizen of Ancient Athens you had to be a full grown man that was born in Athens.