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Nouns in English have no gender, all nouns are neuter. English has specific words for a male or female, such as the noun filly, a female horse, usually less than four years of age.

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Q: Noun filly belongs to which gender?
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Is secretary a noun?

yeah it is a noun .. hmmm i think it belongs on the gender noun .. gender noun has 3 sub type .

What is the masculine form of the word 'filly'?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.The noun for a young female horse is filly; the noun for a young male horse is colt.

Can you give me a noun sentence using the word filly?

Filly is a noun. The fill ra around the paddock

What is the plural form of filly?

The noun 'filly' is a word for a female horse. It is correct to use either the pronouns for a female 'she' and 'her', or the neutral 'it' and 'they'. Examples: I like your new filly, she is so beautiful. I like your new filly, it is so beautiful.

What is the opposite of filly?

The opposite gender of a filly (young female horse) is a colt (young male).MareMaybe the opposite of filly is colt (a young male horse).

What is the masculine gender of peacock?

peacock only and the feminine gender of peacock is peahen and it belongs to peafowl family.

What is the feminines gender of colt?

A filly is a young female horse, as a colt is a young male.

What is the opposite gender of noun colt?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female. The word colt is the noun for a male, i.e. it is the term for a male foal. A female foal is called a filly and the term "foal" refers to a young horse of either sex, a common gender noun.

What is the feminine noun of beauty?

In English, the noun 'beauty' is not gender-specific.However, in referring to personal appearance, you might be more likely to refer to a woman as possessing 'beauty' and to a man as being 'handsome'. Handsome, however, can also refer to either gender:'She is a person of great beauty''He is a very handsome person''The new colt is a beauty; he is very handsome''The new filly is a beauty; she is very handsome''Both the colt and filly are beautiful''Both the colt and filly are handsome''They have beautiful children, a boy and a girl''They have handsome children, a boy and a girl''He and she gave a performance of amazing beauty''He and she gave a handsome performance'

What is name of young horse?

filly or colt (depending on gender), foal, or yearling

What gender of noun is the postmistress?

The noun postmistress is a gender specific noun for a female. The noun postmaster is a gender specific noun for a male.

What is a teenage horse called?

A young horse can be called a foal if the gender is not known, a filly if it is female and a colt if it is a male.