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Pete Wilder

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Q: On Private Practice who is Lucas's real father?
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no, if he is not the real father he may not.

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I think Pete's real name is Peter in Private Peaceful.

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Naman tyagi is the real father of internet.

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The answer to " Who is the real father of history?" The answer is ARAM NAHRAIN.

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he is a father figure. not his real father. his real father abandoned him when he was about 6

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yes and all you have to do to get is is to practice practice practice

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No the stepfather can not go after the real father.

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His real name is actually Benedict Arnold the Sixth. His father and his father's father and his father's father's father and os on are name Benedict Arnold.

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To practice to guard yourself in real life situations

If mother remarries and step father wants to adopt child do they need the real fathers concent?

if the father has custody over the child then yes. I have a step father that i wish was my real father but i have to see my real father twice a year

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No, the mixture used to make "blood" in movies is not real. There is too much biological hazards to use real blood.

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no, santer is not real