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Wombats live in the wild on the continent of Australia.

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Q: On what continent do wombats live in the wild?
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What country do wombats live in?

Wombats are native to the country and continent of Australia. This is the only country in which they are found in the wild.

Does Australia have wombats and platypuses?

Yes. Australia is the only continent where platypuses and wombats are found in the wild. There is one species of platypus, which is found in the eastern half of the continent, and three different species of wombats, which are found in the east and south.

What continent are wombats native to?

Wombats are native to the continent of Australia.

How long do hairy nosed wombats live?

In the wild, the hairy-nosed wombat can live for over 20 years.

Do wombats live in rainforests?

No. Wombats do not live in the rainforest. They live in grasslands and bushland.

Where do baby wombats live?

Baby wombats live in their mother's pouch. Wombats are marsupials.

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Do wombats live in Africa?

No, there are no wombats in Africa. Wombats are native to Australia alone.

What animal from the rainforest eats wombats?

No animal from the rainforest eats wombats, as wombats do not live in the rainforest.

On what continent are there wild tigers?

White Bengal tigers live on the continent of Asia

Are wombats blind?

No. Like most wild animals, wombats have a finely tuned, acute sense of hearing.

What country do wombats live?

All three species of wombats are native to Australia.