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Q: One form of marxist socialism was eventually called?
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What form of government is fascism?

It is a national form of proactive economic socialism vs, example, an international form of classless, incompetent (based on pencil-whipping) economic socialism - marxist (which a lot of democratic-republics have adapted recently)..

Which socialism did Karl Marx subscribe to?

Karl Marx subscribed to a form of socialism known as revolutionary or Marxist socialism. This ideology emphasizes the need for the working class to overthrow the capitalist system through a revolution in order to establish a classless society where the means of production are owned collectively.

What is Hitler's form of fascism called?

national socialism

The African form of socialism was based on what?

There was no African form of Socialism.

Is communism a form of socialism?

Communism is generally regarded to be a more developed form of socialism. Socialism and communism are both based on social ownership of the means of production and social appropriation of the surplus product. From a Marxist analysis, communism becomes technically feasible once productive technology enables superabundance, short work hours, and free distribution of goods and services. Communism can therefore be thought of as an advanced development of socialism.

What was the German form of fascism called?

Nazism has of course no connection at all with Socialism, which means a classless stateless society based on production for use.

Karl Marx supported socialism true or false?

No. He viewed what he called "utopian socialism" as too idealistic and impractical. He proposed scientific socialism instead, because he believed that socialism was the scientifically proven next stage of human economic development.

What are National socialists?

It is a special form of socialism

What form of government did Lenin create?


Is socialism related to communism?

YesMaybe a bit. You could say communism is an extreme form of socialism.

Did anarchists only oppose socialism?

Anarchists were socialists and still consider themselves to be socialists. Anarchists opposed what is today called "state socialism", meaning any type of socialism that advocates for state ownership of the means of production as a form of social ownership. Liberals, conservatives, fascists and monarchists generally opposed socialism.

Sweden operates under a form of?

Democratic Socialism ;)