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Q: One function of secular music in the late Middle Ages was to provide accompaniment for?
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What is a Classical accompaniment style based on triads?

A very popular example of Classical accompaniment based on triads is the Alberti bass, initially developed by Domenico Alberti (1710-1740). Alberti bass is a kind of broken chord/triad or arpeggiated accompaniment, where the notes of the chord are presented in the order lowest, highest, middle, highest. For example, if a C major chord was being played in root position, the order would be C-G-E-G.

Was secular music based on gregorian chant?

Very much so. Gregorian chants later in the Middle Ages started to become composed by artists who would write pieces for the church and pieces for secular crowds as well. So basically it was the artists that transitioned causing attention to the secular style of their pieces.

On piano music sheets how do you know which part is the right hand or left?

the top part is right hand and the bottom is left. the notes on the top are above middle c, so you need to use your right hand. vice versa with the left.

Secular music in the fourteenth century?

Very little music from the Medieval era is present today. And even less so in the secular variety. The Medieval era was primarily religious, mostly stapled by Gregorian Chant, motets and organa. The little secular music came mostly from french musicians - northern wandering Trouveres and the southern Troubadours. Today, you would be VERY hard pressed to find any Medieval secular music in popular music today. Very little existed back then. And even fewer exist now.

What is the screamo song where theres a bunch of people in a big house and theres this weird guy in the middle of the house in a small room and kills of all the family members please help?

sounds like a family function to me

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Who was responsible for increasing the churches secular role during the middle ages?

Yea it's definatly Gregory I

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Who is responsible for the flourishing of secular literature in the middle ages?

The rise of secular literature in the Middle Ages can be attributed to the developments in vernacular languages and the growing literacy of the urban population. Writers and poets such as Dante Alighieri, Geoffrey Chaucer, and Marie de France contributed to the flourishing of secular literature by creating works that explored themes beyond religious doctrine. This shift towards secular literature also paralleled the emergence of humanism and the revival of classical learning during the period.

What were the two divisions of the clergy in the middle ages?

The two types of clergy were regular clergy and secular clergy. Regular clergy were those who were in monastic orders, and so were regulated by the rules of those orders; they included monks and abbots. Secular clergy were those who served the secular population; they were deacons, priests, and bishops serving the secular people, or people who were not clergy.

6 The function of the eardrum in the middle ear is to?

The function of the eardrum in the middle ear is to vibrate sound waves into the year. It transmits sound from the environment into the ossicles found in the middle ear.

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there is no function to the nucleus. the nucleus is located in the middle of your body:)