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The guard cells's placement surrounding the stomata is advantageous because, when they're closed in low humidity/moisture conditions, they prevent the loss of water from the leaves. When moisture levels are high, they swell and allow the stomata to open.

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Q: One possible evolutionary advantage of the position of the guard cells on the leaves of land plants?
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What are the advantages and disadvantages of producing many small leaves instead of fewer large leaves?

An advantage of a plant or tree having small leaves is not needing much water.

Is there an evolutionary advantage to twins?

The only coin evolution pays in is reproductive success. Having two children who leave no offspring would not give you an advantage over having one child who leaves many offspring. Or any combination thereof. Twinning is a developmental thing of egg doubling or fraternal twins being just like siblings. So, the act of twinning would not seem to confer any more advantage in and of itself, but twins having successful offspring that drive many parental genes to fixation in a population of organism would be reproductively successful that way.

What is the meaning of leaves reduced to spines?

Cacti have spines. Evolutionary theory is that the spines were originally leaves, but which reduced in size and form to carry out a new function, as spines, to protect the plant from predators. According to the same theory the stem of the plant became the gas exchange and the 'chlorophyll-containing' 'photosynthesis' part of the plant, thus replacing the functions formerly carried out by and through the leaves.

What is a cuticle in biology?

"Plant cuticles are a protective waxy covering produced only by the epidermal cells [1] of leaves, young shoots" -wikipediaThe cuticle is a thin layer of wax which helps waterproof leaves and makes it harder for water to evaporate or transpire from the leaves of a plant. It is a evolutionary adaptation for plants which live in arid climates. The following is a diagram of plant tissue:

Why does a plant grow towards the sunlight?

to get the full surface area of their leaves facing the sun, so they can't photosynthesis as much as possible.

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What is a possible advantage of releasing pollen before the leaves expand in size?

self pollination

What relation is there between the position of the buds and the position of the leaves or leaf scars?

what is the relation is there between the position of the buds and the position of the leaves

What relation is there between the position of the buds and the position of leaves or leaf scars?

what is the relation is there between the position of the buds and the position of the leaves

What are the main functions of most leaves and what are the specialized functions of the remaining 'leaves'?

Flowers originated from [the] Specialization due to [and resulting from] the accumulated evolutionary Adaptations of Leaves. Ordinary leaves respire, grow and Photosynthesize.

What is an advantage to having waxy leaves vs soft leaves?

Harder the better. Waxy leaves minimize the loss of water by transpiration

What is the evolutionary importance of pine needles?

The needles are the leaves of the tree, which allow it to carry out photosynthesis and produce food

Who has died from leaves?

No...i dont think it's even possible! It's possible if you eat them and they are leaves of hemlock or rhubarb.

Do any animals have leaves?

no, it is not possible for them

Is it possible for plants without leaves to carry out photosynthesis?

Yes. Cactus do not have leaves.

Is it possible for a tree to have blue leaves?

Why certainly.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of producing many small leaves instead of fewer large leaves?

An advantage of a plant or tree having small leaves is not needing much water.

Is making lotion out of pandan leaves possible?

yes it is..