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Many nonnative (alien) species are able to survive in new environments due to environmental similarity such as temperature, rainfall, seasonality and habitats where food and water is in abundance or enough to survive on and also the presence of other same species individuals with whom reproduction is possible. Another reason why nonative species survive in nonnative habitats is because of the lack of its native predators to keep its numbers in check and therefore they survive and reproduce quickly and outcompete native species.

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The most common reason why an introduced species does well in a new environment is that there are no natural predators for it. This is what happened with foxes and cane toads in Australia.

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Q: One reason why an introduced species might be very successful in a new environment?
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Introduced species can either have a: positive effect, negative effect, or no effect at all. In most cases, introduced species will have no effect at all, and rarely a positive effect unless introduced for that exact reason. Ecologists usually use the "Tens Rule", which states that (on average) one out of every ten introduced species will become established; one out of every ten of those established species will become common enough to be pests. Following this rule, 90% of all introduced species will not become established in a new location for whatever reason. However, some species have a potential range that far exceeds their actual realized territory and thrive when translocated. For those that do become an invasive species, the effect on the native or indigenous species can be devastating. On almost all continents, there are invasive species that flourish in their new environment and drive competition to the max. Resources can be quickly used up and the competitive exclusion principle kicks in (two different species occupying the same geographical area cannot have the same ecological niche; one must evolve into a slightly different niche or face extinction). These invasive species are a great threat to biodiversity because they have the ability to wipe out entire species that are not prepared to cope with a new and abundant competitor. As mentioned earlier, introduced species can have a positive impact on the community. Usually these are introduced to an ecosystem in order to control another invasive species using the dynamics of trophic cascade (one trophic level suppresses another, the next level thrives, the next level is suppressed, etc). However, efforts to manipulate ecological problems hardly ever come to fruition, as 20 problems can arise from just one solution.

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Does evolution stop once a species is a species?

Answer 1The pace of evolution depends on how well adapted a species is to its environment and how stable the environment is. If a species is not well adapted to its environment then it will either evolve or go extinct. If the environment changes then the species living in it will have to adapt and evolve, or go extinct. If a species is well adapted to its environment and the environment is not changing then there will be no evolutionary pressure and no evolutionary process will occur. This kind of stability can be maintained for millions of years sometimes but ultimately every environment will change.Answer 2The above is not quite correct. Evolution, the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms, never stops. Variation by mutation, independent alignment of chromosomes, crossing over and random fertilization still goes on in species. The selection may be stabilizing if the environment is stable, but alleles change. Evolution and speciation are two things that flow seamlessly one into the other.Answer 3The question suggests that the asker is a bit confused about what constitutes a species. For all intents and purposes, we can replace the word 'species' with 'population'. Evolution concerns the changes in allele-frequencies in reproductively linked groups of organisms - populations. 'Species' is just a label that we attach to reproductively linked populations that share definitive features. Species do not become species: they already are, and always have been. Occasionally, we find reason to attach a new species-label to a particular population. Usually such reasons are found in increasing reproductive isolation and the divergence of phenotypes.

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One reason for the Egyptians successful farming ws their wise use of irrigation.

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The usual reason for any species on the list is there are not enough adult members.

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