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Organ physiology is to cell physiology as gross anatomy is to microscopic anatomy

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Q: Organ physiology is to as gross anatomy is to?
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What is the study of the size shape of all an organ is called?

Gross Anatomy

The study of anatomy that focuses on each individual organ system?

systematic physiology

What is the meaning of anatomy and physiology?

Anatomy is the study of functional areas or parts of the body whereas physiology is the study of biological and chemical processes that go on in your body. Anatomy is either normal gross anatomy: what can be seen and studied with the naked eye and normal histology: the anatomy of cells and tissues seen under a microscope. Normal physiology is the study of how the body cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems work. Pathology and Pathophysiology are study of these subjects in their diseased states.

Why is the anatomy and physiology critical when it comes to the medical field?

If you mastered your anatomy and physiology studying in medical field will be easy since disease all evolves from deviation from normal physiology of a certain body part/organ and most of the medical terms were derived from its location / anatomy

What is anatomy in the branches of biology?

Surface anatomy (morphology) Gross anatomy (macroscopic) Systemic anatomy (systematic) Regional anatomy Developmental anatomy Embryology Pathological anatomy Histology Cytology Radiographic anatomy

What is the study of large and easily observable structures of an organism?

Anatomy is a branch of science that studies the bodily structure of humans, animals, and other living organisms. The study of the structure of the human leg is an example of a study in the field of anatomy.

Is the endocrine system considered anatomy or physiology?

The endocrine system is an organ system. When studying the parts of the endocrine system and their structure, you are studying anatomy. When studying how the endocrine system works, you are studying physiology.

Anatomy and physiology of ear eye nose throat?

ear is the organ that detects sounds. eyes is organ that allowed you to see thing.

What are the sub areas or sub branches of biology?

marine biology microbiology cellular biology genetics ecology neuro-science anatomy there might be more but I can't think of any at this moment

What organ system does the biceps belong to?

the bicep is a muscle so it is in the muscle/skeletal classification of study in anatomy/physiology

How has anatomy and physiology developed?

Compare and contrast: anatomy,physiology, and pathophysiology