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Q: Organisms that live in the desert are adapted to survive a lack of water and?
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In what biome would you most likely find organisms that are adapted to limited water supplies?

Desert biome

Which term describes a desert plant?

A xerophyte is a species of plant that has adapted to survive in an environment with little water, such as a desert.

How are desert organisms adapted to the dry climate of a desert?

Desert animals have adapted to the desert climate with their tough, scaly skin that prevents water loss and protects them from extreme heat in the day & freezing temperatures at night.

How does the desert fox survive in the desert?

Desert foxes have fur that blends in with the sand found in the desert. They have also adapted to only need a small amount of water each day.

How does the does fox survive in the desert?

Desert foxes have fur that blends in with the sand found in the desert. They have also adapted to only need a small amount of water each day.

Are there desert fish?

Yes, there are some species of fish that survive in the desert. Most of them are minnows that are adapted to very warm water with high mineral content.

Why is the dandelion not well adapted for living in the desert?

This is because they need a lot of water 💦 in order to survive in the desert and they are not well made for deserts because they use quite a lot of water and they may die from heat .

How do animals in the desert survive with so little water?

they already know and they are adapted to life with little water. Also, when they haunt...they find water in the south area

What adaptations do people have to survive in deserts?

Humans are able to alter their environment to make life in the heat of a desert bearable. Such items as air conditioning or even electric fans can make life in the desert more comfortable as well as constructing homes that are well insulated to hold in cooler air and keep out the heat.

How the African Welwitchsia has adapted to the desert?

it does this by saving all its water it has collected in its storage roots

What region can photosynthetic organisms not live in?

In order to live, photosynthetic organisms cannot survive without sunlight and water. Therefore a photosynthetic organism cannot survive in any place without water, such as a desert, or without light and air, such as the moon.

What is xerophyte used for?

A xerophyte is a species of plant that can survive extremely long periods without water and has adapted to environments that present such challenges. Xerophytes are important to biologists, who study the unique way xerophytes conserve water.