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hormone that stimulates milk production and the secretion of progesterone in mammals; hormone which stimulates secretion from the crop gland in birds. prolactin gonadotropic hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary; in females it stimulates growth of the mammary glands and lactation after parturition [syn: lactogenic hormone, luteotropin].

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Q: Ovaries produce which hormone inhibin or prolactin?
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What hormones are realeased from the ovaries?

The ovaries produce a couple of gonadal hormones. One of these, estrogen, promotes the secondary sex characteristics and sex drive. Another is progesterone which prepares the uterus for pregnancy. Another hormone called in inhibin inhibits the secretion of follicle stimulating hormone.

What hormones are produced by the testes and by the ovarys?

Only one sex hormone called testosterone.

Which reprductive organ produces the hormone estrogent?

It is produced by ovaries. It is produced in female

Which hormone is stored in the anterior pituitary gland?

growth hormone, Thyroxine releasing hormone, gonadotrophins - FSH and LH, prolactin

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The ovaries produce?

The ovaries produce Ova (about 2 million, only 400,000 make it to puberty) Estrogen (female sex hormone) and Progesterone (Steroid hormone that stimulates endometrium development).

How do you get estrogen if you had uterus and ovaries removed?

Usually women who have had their ovaries removed have to go through hormone replacement therapy or take a hormone pill.

What stimulates the ovaries to produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone?

LH stimulates ovaries to produce oestrogen and progesteron.LH stands for Leutanizing hormone.

What hormone stimulates milk production?

Prolactin contributes to the increased growth and differentiation of the alveoli (milk producing tissues) and also influences differentiation of ductal structures. High levels of prolactin during pregnancy and breastfeeding also increase insulin resistance, increase growth factor levels (IGF-1) and modify lipid metabolism in preparation for breastfeeding.During lactation, prolactin is the main factor maintaining tight junctions of the ductal epithelium and regulating milk production through osmotic balance.

What Is the female hormone produced in the ovaries.?

Ovary produce two hormones. First is estrogen and second is progesterone.

How do estrogen levels influence prolactin levels?

Prolactin is a hormone that acts directly on the mammary glands to produce breast milk. This happens when a woman because pregnant, and when a woman is pregnant, the body reaches high levels of estrogen. Thus, increased levels of estrogen will directly increase levels of prolactin.