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Q: Over which empire did Caligula rule?
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Was Caligula a boy or girl?

Caligula was a boy. He was the 3rd emperor of the Roman Empire.

What period did Tiberius Caligula cladius rule?

Caligula ruled from 37 AD to 41 AD.

What empire did Julius Caesar rule over?

the roman empire.

When did Caligula rule as emperor?

From 37 to 41 AD

Was Caligula a good emperor?

No, he was not. Under his rule Roman Empire suffered politically and financially, he was arrogant egomaniac who abused power every imaginable ways and even declared himself a living God.

What empire did Ashurbanipal rule over?

Assurbanipal (or Ashshurbanipal) was the last strong king of the Neo-Assyrian Empire.

Who was first woman to rule over delhi empire?

Razia Sultana

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He ruled the Franks in the late 700s

How did Caligula's actions contribute to the collaspe of the western roman empire?

Caligula had nothing to do with the collapse of the western Roman empire. He was only the third emperor and nothing he did could possibly affect events four hundred and thirty years in the future.

Who was the first of the 65 emperors to rule over the Roman Empire?

Octavian Augustus.

How did rome rule over the empire?

Rome didn't, it was the Emperor who lived in Rome that did this.

Who reigns over a kingdom or empire's?

it depends actually... A King rules over an kingdom. I'm pretty sure an Emperor would rule over an empire, but I could be wrong...