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Q: Owls have excellent hearing to help them hear when mice are in the dark This is an...?
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How do owls live in the dark?

owls have very, very good vision. they can see in almost no light. they also have an excellent sense of hearing, and most owls fly silently so that they can hear any sounds around them. they cannot, however, use echolocation like bats as portrayed in the "silverwing" books.

Why is the owl's sense of hearing so important to its survival?

owls have good hearing to hear who is comming

What senses do Great horned owls have?

A Great Horned Owl, has excellent hearing abilites. And can hear things 10 times better than other animals. It has the best hearing abilties in the Rain Forest.

Why do owls and bats need to hear?

They need hearing to help them catch their prey.

Can elephants hear good?

Elephants have poor eye-sight, but have excellent hearing and smell.

How does an owl capture a prey?

Owls have sharp talons (not claws!) and a sharp beak, so it would look pretty silly if you saw an owl eating a salad. They are carnivores, too. Owls have keen eyesight and hearing. They have the advantage of very silent flight, so mice and other rodents who have good hearing cannot hear the predator about to eat it as a midnight snack!

What do owls do to make them good hunters?

They can see in the dark. They can hear a pin drop. They can glide without flapping their wings.

Do owls have good hearing?

Owls communicate with hooting, hissing, calling, fluffing feathers, posture, and bill snapping.

Why do you hear the littlest sounds?

You might hear the littlest sounds because you are sensitive to certain noises or because you have excellent hearing. You might also hear them because you are worried or focused on your environment.

Do giant pandas have good hearing?

Yes pandas can hear. Infact they proably have better slightly hearing than us!

Can red eared turtles hear?

Yes, they have excellent hearing, which makes up for the fact that they can't see very well.

Can owls hear through snow?

Owls can hear through the snow. Saw it on a nature show.